I discovered your blog a couple of months ago and little by little, day by day, I read all the posts you put up. I'm up to date now. I like your way of writing and explaining Python concepts, with clear examples and code visualizations. I'm an industrial programmer. I dedicate myself to PLC and SCADA programming mainly. I don't have many opportunities to use Python, but I'm a fan and I try to make small scripts every now and then to automate some jobs. Thank you again for your dedication to creating useful content. Muchas gracias por todo.
I really enjoy the Mathspp newsletter, have gone through many of the blogs as well, they're very insightful and informative. Pydon'ts is on my reading list next, and I already know it'll be amazing.
I always look forward to your newsletters which are very interesting and informative. Your style of writing is also a delight to read.
A text about coding has to be technical, of course, but still it's nice if it is not dry. Also, it's nice if somebody is willing to share not just his knowledge but even ideas that came to him during his work. Both I've found at Rodrigo's "corner of the Internet", and I'm thankful for that. Nice work, and nice young person!
I love the deep dive articles on various Python topics, helps me level up my skills as a Junior developer.
Rodrigo has a talent finding interesting implementations in the Python Standard Library and to explain important concepts with them as example in a very understandable way. A great way to improve my Python skills!
I really enjoy your newsletter and it at least helps me to code a little Python every other week. I feel fresh.
The newsletter is a small, digestible, quality bite of python learning. It is a great way to quickly learn something new.
My email inbox is precious–as is everyone else's–so I don't subscribe to newsletters. But I make a very few exceptions. Rodrigo's newsletter is one of this exclusive group. And his emails are a few of the emails I actually always read.
His writing is fresh and refreshing, easy to read but packed with useful information, never boring, always insightful.
If you call yourself a Pythonista–or wish to do so one day–and you're not yet subscribed to Rodrigo's email, then, what are waiting for?!
And while you're there, get a copy of all his books. Yes, all of them.
From someone who's done quite some teaching earlier, I just wanted to commend you for how great your seminar was! I loved how interactive you made it, and also how you so seamlessly and understandably make us understand the concepts at hand! Definitely am looking forward to next time 😊
I think the bootcamp is excellent. The analysis you provide for each day is amazing. The level of code is something I aspire to, and it has reinforced the importance of taking an iterative process to problem solving (e.g., start with a simple approach and then refactor to make it more idiomatic and performant.)
For someone very new to writing (useful) code, the Analyses are very helpful. Not sure if I'll be able to solve all the problems as they increase in complexity, but I believe my coding will be better at the end of this boot camp than at the start (and it's fun).
I've been following Rodrigo on Twitter for over a year and have enjoyed his articles. He has an excellent grasp on Python, its core principles, and advanced techniques!
This is beautiful code. I am definitely going to use this. I love it. I love your shares. Your understanding of Python is truly inspiring and intimidating sometimes 🤣 thank you for sharing so generously 🙏
I signed up for your problem-solving bootcamp and I've been very pleased so far as the problems are challenging and the explanations are thorough.
I must say your explanation (no surprise here really) was really good and I think I might find some applications for it at work (and then puzzle my co-workers as I'm almost certain they haven't used it before too)!
I'd just like to say thank you for the awesome Mathsapp Insider emails - they're always a pleasure to read/work through! Your willingness to share these "this actually happened to me in real life" problems+solutions is greatly appreciated.
Your [“Comprehending Comprehensions”] book exceeded all my expectations, in one week I have made significant progress in understanding the logic behind list comprehensions! Please keep creating such great content for beginner learners!
I'd just like to appreciate the efforts that go into writing your emails in words that are easy to understand and then for going the extra mile to make diagrams that just make me so happy as a visual learner. THANK YOU!
I really like this talk by Rodrigo on why APL made him a better Python developer. youtube.com/watch?v=tDy-to9fgaw
I liked your approach of teaching in general - I enjoyed your tutorial about descriptors, and your lightning talk about APL and Python comprehensions - brilliant. I did not see your comprehension poster talks, but looked at your poster. Very nice! Hope to see more of your work!
Fantastic workshop about descriptors at @europython 2023 in Prague! I came out of it having learnt a lot about what goes on in the background. Really loved the friendly approach and the practical exercises with solutions so that everyone can follow. Keep going 🚀
I just want to say I really like your website...it's clear, concise and to the point! You've done very well in breaking down and explaining topics in a crystal clear manner. Thumbs up! I've been sharing your website with some of my friends who are learning to code.
I love your Python newsletter Mathspp Insider 🐍🚀 because it helps me to keep up with learning Python. The step by step guide is what I find interesting and insightful.
Really enjoy Rodrigo Girão Serrão's newsletter and blog. It is an enjoyable resource for learning more about Python Dos & Don'ts. He is an experienced developer working on Textualize.io and Rich and together with ArjanCodes and Sebastián Ramírez Montaño a great programmer to learn from!
On my journey to learn Python, I came across Rodrigo's free ebook Pydon'ts along with his Twitter account, the tips that you can find here make learning more fun and effective so I can definitely recommend both resources for anyone who wants to learn Python.
Rodrigo's Insider newsletter has some really well-written content for learning/keeping up with Python. Would recommend. I really like the current series about the ICPO rule✨
I just finished “Comprehending Comprehensions” from Rodrigo. Yes, all 155 pages, and I did all of the 213 realistic exercises! Very useful, full of practical tips, I liked it very much. Thank you, Rodrigo!
Rodrigo's book Comprehending Comprehensions is a well-written explanation of comprehensions and generators, set in a language very readable for beginners like myself Highly recommended for Pythonistas of every level. Rodrigo really keeps his promise of help. My experience to date: very quick replies to questions with great solutions. Besser geht's nicht! 👍👍👍👍🌟🌟🌟🌟
There is a bunch of people from Twitter whose work is really inspiring and you clearly belong to them. It's really a given to have benevolent people like you to spend time "lighting the way" for others to learn. Bismark once said "Only fools only count on their own experience while you can count on the others' one". Clearly, if you don't mind, I'll continue to see Python's world through your vision, on your shoulders. Thank you so much!
I have some hobbies that help me keep my good mood and interest in life. Two of these hobbies are Python and English. What do I like about Rodrigo? He can pick very interesting examples and tasks for explaining every topic, and these tasks are short. While looking for answers, you cannot get tired and all mechanisms become obvious. Additionally, he often adds different external modules and lets us learn new variants of use. If you want to take it a step further, you can visit his website https://mathspp.gumroad.com. What I enjoy the most is his funny English style. I understand that English is not his native language, but watching him makes me want to talk (and write) like him (and learn more about Python and English 😉👍).
Pydon'ts is the perfect wingman for any Python developer. With practical tips and examples for writing clean and Pythonic code, Pydon'ts will have your code looking sharp and ready for action. Don't be caught with messy code - Pydon'ts has your back.
Just finished Neural Networks Fundamentals With Python Rodrigo and I much appreciated it. Nnfwp is accessible to beginners and enjoyable by all. Rodrigo has the ability to explain in layman’s terms, and also dive in maths, optionally.
I discovered you from your implementing justified text in APL talk on YouTube. Wow what a great talk! Superb step-by-step introduction to a very special language! I also really enjoy your Python content. Making Python more terse and functional is a beautiful thing!
Rodrigo's Pydon'ts contains a treasure chest of helpful advice in writing Python code. Plenty of examples for many topics for writing cleaner, clearer Python code. As a most useful adjunct to clean Python coding, he explains with succinct examples He goes beyond the usually simplistic "tips and tricks" to delve into why and how his ideas add eloquence to Python. Pydon'ts provides a useful addition to a well-rounded Python programmer. As a feature, this ebook uses the "pay what you want" pricing model. Well worth a few bucks!
Simply the best explanation that even I, finally, understood this damned thing. Thank you very much, Rodrigo.
Never in the history of my Python journey have I ever came across such an elegant coverage of decorators. Perfect!
My favourite "warm up exercise" before serious work is going through your Pydonts book. I'm enjoying it. Excellent work, Rodrigo.
I've just received the first article, and what an article it was, there are no words for it. It's a simple thing as summing of the first square numbers. Three multiplications, two additions and one division and you have the sum of the first n numbers!