"Pydon'ts" are short, to-the-point, meaningful Python programming tips. Pydon'ts will help you write more Pythonic code.
The aim of this "Pydon't" series is to provide a series of programming tips for Python programmers that will help them take their Python programming to the next level. This goal will be achieved by showing βbadβ Python code, and then comparing it to better, more Pythonic, alternatives.
Pydon'ts are useful to Python programmers that are looking to improve their Python skills. Above all, they are aimed at developers who are willing to put in the effort to improve. I can't do all the hard work for you, because improving your skills is hard work... But I can make the hard work easier for you!
The Pydon'ts are aimed especially at beginners and intermediate users, and also at programmers who are fluent with some other programming language and just want to get up to speed with the Python way of doing things.
If you are committed to learning Python and improving your skills, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter, so that you get access to all the Python knowledge I put out there.
As of the beginning of 2022, there are over 25 Pydon'ts that have been published, and at least a dozen more are still to come, covering topics such as iterables, generators, decorators, OOP, and dunder methods.
All the Pydon'ts follow roughly the same structure:
The Pydon'ts have been compiled into a free ebook that you can get online, here.
Are you looking forward to this series?
Let me know in the comments below if you are expecting any tips about any specific topics and leave an "emoji response" to show your support.
Also, don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss a single Pydon't!
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