Today I learned how to detect collisions between circles and rectangles with 100% accuracy.
With a couple of loops and a bit of maths you can create a rotating spiral.
Create a zooming animation from first principles in Python. In 5 minutes. Kind of.
Create animations from first principles and morph between different figures with Python. In 5 minutes. Kind of.
Today I (re)learned Heron's formula to compute the area of a triangle from its three sides.
Can you find the centre of the circle with just five lines?
Can you make the pyramid point the other way by moving only three coins?
Alice and Bob sit across each other, ready for their game of coins. Who will emerge victorious?
You are sunbathing when you decide to go and talk to some friends under a nearby sun umbrella, but first you want to get your feet wet in the water. What is the most efficient way to do this?
I bet you have seen one of those Facebook publications where you have a grid and you have to count the number of squares the grid contains, and then you jump to the comment section and virtually no one agrees on what the correct answer should be... Let's settle this once and for all!
Take out a piece of paper and a pencil, I am going to ask you to write some letters in your sheet of paper and then I am going to challenge you to fold the sheet of paper... with a twist!
This post shows how fractals occur naturally in broccoli, one of my favourite vegetables.
Given some paper squares, can you slice them and then glue them back together to form a single square?
This post's format will be a bit different from the usual and the first of a series of posts of this type. In this post, I will state a problem and then present my solution.