Today I learned about the skip list data structure.
The skip list is a data structure that is similar to a linked list with “skip lanes”. These “skip lanes” are used to provide faster average lookup and insertion times, which become \(O(\log n)\) instead of \(O(n)\), if you have a sorted linked list of \(n\) elements.
The diagram below (taken from the Wikipedia article on the skip list) shows you a way of representing a skip list:
The diagram shows the head of the list, which stores information about the first node in each skip lane, and then the sequence of nodes with their links in the different skip lanes.
I found this a very cool data structure so I decided to implement it in Python. The code below is a simple implementation that provides iteration over the list and provides adding elements to the list.
The code is heavily commented and it is not optimised.
The class SLHead
implements the head of the skip list and the class SkipList
implements a node of the skip list.
To get acquainted with the code:
on SLHead
and then on SkipList
and SLHead.find
; andSLHead.append
works.The method SLHead.append
implements node addition by using the skip lanes to find the node that comes immediately before the new node on each skip lane.
Then, it probabilistically determines in how many skip lanes the node should be inserted.
Here is the code:
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from math import ceil, log
import random
from typing import Generator
class SLHead:
length: int = 0
"""Length of the linked list in number of nodes."""
max_lanes: int = 1
"""Maximum number of lanes, including the base one for the full linked list."""
skips: list[SkipList] = field(default_factory=list)
"""The first element of each skip lane.
Lane 0 is the standard linked list.
This list has length <= max_lanes.
If len(skips) == max_lanes, then all skip lanes have at least one node.
If len(skips) < max_lanes, that means there isn't a node at that skip lane yet.
def find_at_level(self, level: int, data: int) -> SkipList | None:
"""Find the node that is immediately before the given data at a given level.
This function returns `None` if the given node should be the first node in this
lane (either because there are no others or because it is smaller than all others.)
# If we don't have a skip lane at this level, there's no node immediately before.
if level >= len(self.skips):
return None
return self.skips[level].find_at_level(level, data)
def _find(self, data: int) -> Generator[SkipList | None, None, None]:
"""Yield the nodes that would come immediately before the given data.
This uses the skip lanes to find the node that would come immediately before
for all the lanes.
The nodes yielded start from the fastest lane.
For example, the **last** node yielded is the node in the linked list that
should come immediately before a new node with the given data.
A value of `None` for a given lane means that this data point should come before
any other node in that given skip lane.
search_base: SLHead | SkipList = self
for level in range(self.max_lanes - 1, -1, -1):
found = search_base.find_at_level(level, data)
yield found
# If we found a concrete node, we can start the next lane search
# in this node instead of having to start everything from scratch.
if found is not None:
search_base = found
def find(self, data: int) -> list[SkipList | None]:
"""Find all nodes that should come immediately before this one in each lane.
For example, the **first** node yielded is the node in the linked list that
should come immediately before a new node with the given data.
A value of `None` for a given lane means that this data point should come before
any other node in that given skip lane.
return list(self._find(data))[::-1]
def append(self, data: int) -> None:
"""Append a new piece of data to the skip list."""
self.length += 1
# Determine if the number of max lanes should expand.
# We expand before finding because that means the result from finding will have
# the correct length to allow adding this new node to _all_ the available lanes.
self.max_lanes = ceil(log(self.length + 1))
found = self.find(data)
new_node = SkipList(data)
# We traverse the found nodes and link them to this new node.
# Each iteration goes up one skip lane.
for level, prev_node in enumerate(found):
# Should this node be the very first node in this lane?
if prev_node is None:
# Insert in the beginning and link to the old first one.
if level < len(self.skips):
self.skips[level] = new_node
# This is the first and only node in this skip lane.
# Is the previous node the _last_ node in its lane?
elif level >= len(prev_node.skips):
# The regular case is to insert in the middle of the lane.
prev_node.skips[level] = new_node
# Coin toss; do we stop adding skip lanes to the new node?
if random.random() < .5:
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[SkipList, None, None]:
at: SLHead | SkipList = self
while at.skips:
yield (at := at.skips[0])
def iter_data(self) -> Generator[int, None, None]:
for node in self:
def __repr__(self) -> str:
skips_to = [ for node in self.skips]
whole_list = list(self)
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.length}, {self.max_lanes}, {skips_to}; {whole_list}"
class SkipList:
data: int
"""The piece of data associated with this node."""
skips: list[SkipList] = field(default_factory=list)
"""The element we are pointing to in each skip lane.
If this list is empty, this is the last element of the linked list.
The index 0 of this list is the regular linked list.
The higher the index, the "faster" the skip lane is.
def find_at_level(self, level: int, data: int) -> SkipList | None:
"""Find the node that comes immediately before the given data at this level.
We return `None` if this data should be in the first node, either because there
are no nodes at this level or because all nodes should come after the data.
# If this is too big, go back.
if data <
return None
# If this is the end of this lane, stop.
if level >= len(self.skips):
return self
found = self.skips[level].find_at_level(level, data)
if not found: # If the next one is too big, `self`` is the correct answer.
return self
return found
def __repr__(self) -> str:
skips_to = [ for node in self.skips]
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({}, skips={skips_to})"
To visualise how adding an element works, you can refer to this animation that is also available in the Wikipedia article about the skip list:
I also wrote some simple tests that helped me make sure the skip list was working. Just copy and paste this code under the implementation and run your file:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Manually build part of the list shown on Wikipedia:
node20 = SkipList(20)
node30 = SkipList(30)
node40 = SkipList(40)
node45 = SkipList(45)
node50 = SkipList(50)
node60 = SkipList(60)
node70 = SkipList(70)
node90 = SkipList(90)
node20.skips = [node30, node30]
node30.skips = [node40, node50, node50]
node40.skips = [node45]
node45.skips = [node50]
node50.skips = [node60, node70]
node60.skips = [node70]
node70.skips = [node90]
skiplist = SLHead(8, 3, [node20, node20, node30])
# Tests
assert skiplist.find_at_level(2, 10) is None
assert skiplist.find_at_level(1, 10) is None
assert skiplist.find_at_level(0, 10) is None
assert skiplist.find_at_level(2, 35).data == 30
assert skiplist.find_at_level(2, 55).data == 50
assert skiplist.find_at_level(1, 25).data == 20
assert skiplist.find_at_level(1, 35).data == 30
assert skiplist.find_at_level(1, 55).data == 50
assert skiplist.find_at_level(1, 75).data == 70
assert skiplist.find_at_level(0, 25).data == 20
assert skiplist.find_at_level(0, 35).data == 30
assert skiplist.find_at_level(0, 42).data == 40
assert skiplist.find_at_level(0, 47).data == 45
assert skiplist.find_at_level(0, 55).data == 50
assert skiplist.find_at_level(0, 66).data == 60
assert skiplist.find_at_level(0, 77).data == 70
assert skiplist.find_at_level(0, 99).data == 90
assert skiplist.find(10) == [None, None, None]
assert skiplist.find(25) == [node20, node20, None]
assert skiplist.find(43) == [node40, node30, node30]
numbers = list(range(100))
sl = SLHead()
for num in numbers:
assert sl.length == 100
assert list(sl.iter_data()) == list(range(100))
That's it for now! Stay tuned and I'll see you around!
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