In the 7th part of this series of building a Python compiler and interpreter we will add support for if statements.

Building a Python compiler and interpreter – 07 if

This is the 7th article of the “Building a Python compiler and interpreter” series, so make sure you've gone through the first six articles before tackling this one!

The code that serves as a starting point for this article is the tag v0.6.0 of the code in this GitHub repository.


Broadly speaking, for this article we want to add support to if statements. In practice, these are the smaller tasks we'll need to handle:

  • start tokenizing keywords and colons :;
  • start tokenizing indentation;
  • change the grammar to support arbitrarily nested if statements;
  • compile these if statements; and
  • change the interpreter so that if statements can change the bytecode that the interpreter will run next.


In case you're wondering how we'll use conditional statements if we don't even have Booleans in our language yet, it's simple: we'll cheat a bit. In Python, any object has a Truthy or Falsy value, which means integers do too. So, in the beginning we'll just use integers as Booleans.

The truth of the matter is that adding the literal Booleans True and False, alongside comparison operators and Boolean operators, is pretty similar to what we've been doing so far. So, I decided to lead with the challenge of implementing the if statement itself, and then we'll tackle the other adjacent things (which are also included as exercises).

Tokenization of keywords

One thing that if statements will introduce is keywords. So far, our program did not have any keywords whatsoever. Now, this will change with the addition of the keyword if.

I thought about creating a token type called KEYWORD and then having the keyword be the value of the token. However, I noticed I have different token types for the different operators +, -, and others, so I thought it made sense to introduce a token type for the keyword if, specifically:

class TokenType(StrEnum):
    # ...
    IF = auto()  # if

Next, tokenization of keywords can be simple if we leverage some of the work we've already done. Up until now, if would be a perfectly valid variable name in our language. So, what we can do is let the tokenizer handle names as usual, and right before it creates a token NAME we intercept it, check if the name is a keyword, and create a keyword token if necessary.

To do that, we can create a dictionary that maps keywords onto tokens:

KEYWORDS_AS_TOKENS: dict[str, TokenType] = {
    "if": Token(TokenType.IF),

Here is how we'd change the implementation of Tokenizer.next_token using the ideas outlined above:

class Tokenizer:
    # ...

    def next_token(self) -> Token:
        # ...

        elif char in LEGAL_NAME_START_CHARACTERS:
            name = self.consume_name()
            keyword_token_type = KEYWORDS_AS_TOKENS.get(name, None)
            if keyword_token_type:
                return Token(keyword_token_type)
                return Token(TokenType.NAME, name)

        # ...

We can check that if is a recognised keyword:

    ["code", "token"],
        # ...
        ("if", Token(TokenType.IF)),
def test_tokenizer_recognises_each_token(code: str, token: Token):
    assert Tokenizer(code).next_token() == token

We need to make another tiny change before we move on, which is to add support for the tokenization of colons ::

class TokenType(StrEnum):
    # ...
    COLON = auto()  # :

# ...

    # ...
    ":": TokenType.COLON,

Which we should then test:

    ["code", "token"],
        # ...
        (":", Token(TokenType.COLON)),
def test_tokenizer_recognises_each_token(code: str, token: Token):
    assert Tokenizer(code).next_token() == token

Handling indentation

The next challenge we need to face is that of handling indentation. In Python, things like conditionals and loops use indentation to determine what code is under that conditional or under that loop. This means that we need to be able to tokenize indentation, as that's something meaningful in Python programs.

Just to be clear, "handling indentation" means that we need to be able to recognise when code is indented, but we also need to recognise when code is dedented. After all:

  • indentation starts a block of code under a statement; and
  • dedentation closes a block of code under a statement.

Track changes in indentation

A neat thing that we will do, which will make our lives so much easier, is that we won't be tokenizing all of the indentation. Instead, we will tokenize changes in indentation.

For example, consider this piece of code:

if cond:
    a = 1
    b = 2
    c = 3
d = 4

Instead of producing an indentation token before each of the assignments a = 1, b = 2, and c = 3, we will produce one single indentation change token before the assignment a = 1. That's because the indentation in each of those three lines is the same. Then, when we reach the line with d = 4, we see that we no longer have indentation, so we produce a token to signal that we dedented the code.

In order to do this – to track changes in indentation – we'll need an auxiliary variable that tells us what the current indentation level is. We also need token types for indents and dedents, naturally:

from collections import deque
# ...

class TokenType(StrEnum):
    # ...
    INDENT = auto()  # indentation
    DEDENT = auto()  # dedentation

# ...

class Tokenizer:
    def __init__(self, code: str) -> None:
        # ...
        self.current_indentation_level = 0
        self.next_tokens: deque[Token] = deque()

Notice how we also created a new attribute called next_tokens. Why do we need it?

Saving tokens for later

When tokenizing indentation, we may end up doing "too much work" for a single token. Just think about the fact that we need to read all the indentation at the beginning of a line before we can compare it with the previous indentation level. Then, if the change in indentation level is too big, we may need to produce multiple tokens... However, the method next_token is supposed to return a single token at a time! Thus, we'll save any extra tokens in the deque next_tokens and we'll return tokens from that deque whenever they're available.

Processing indentation

First things first, we'll create a method that consumes indentation, much like we have methods to consume integers and names:

class Tokenizer:
    # ...

    def consume_indentation(self) -> str:
        """Consumes indentation and returns it unprocessed."""
        start = self.ptr
        while self.ptr < len(self.code) and self.code[self.ptr] == " ":
            self.ptr += 1
        return self.code[start : self.ptr]

Notice that we impose a simplifying restriction that indentation must be set with spaces and not with tabs.

We then use consume_indentation inside next_token to process the indentation:

class Tokenizer:
    # ...

    def next_token(self) -> Token:
        # If we're at the beginning of a line, handle indentation.
        if self.beginning_of_line:
            indentation = self.consume_indentation()
            # If this line only contained indentation, ignore it.
            if self.peek() == "\n":
                self.ptr += 1
                return self.next_token()

            if len(indentation) % 4:
                raise RuntimeError("Indentation must be a multiple of 4.")

            # ...

The first thing we do is make sure that we got indentation from a line that actually contains code because, if it doesn't, we don't care about the indentation at all. Next – and to simplify our lives a bit – we impose the restriction that indentation must be done with multiples of 4 spaces. Only after passing these restrictions can we produce the indentation tokens.

To produce the indentation tokens, we'll figure out the indentation level set by the indentation we just consumed, we'll compare it with the current indentation level in the attribute current_indentation_level, and we'll produce as many tokens of the type INDENT as necessary to increase the attribute current_indentation_level to the level set by the indentation consumed. Of course, this only makes sense if we consume more indentation than the current indentation level. If we consume less indentation, we'll produce tokens of the type DEDENT.

Because we may produce 2 or more tokens, instead of returning them, we store them in the deque next_tokens. After processing the indentation and producing the tokens, we flag that we are no longer at the beginning of the line.

Outside of the if statement that checks whether we're processing indentation or not, we check if there are any tokens waiting inside the deque next_tokens. If there are, we pop one of those tokens before trying to produce tokens of other types.

If we take these considerations into account, the method next_token ends up looking like this:

class Tokenizer:
    # ...

    def next_token(self) -> Token:
        # If we're at the beginning of a line, handle indentation.
        if self.beginning_of_line:
            indentation = self.consume_indentation()
            # If this line only contained indentation, ignore it.
            if self.peek() == "\n":
                self.ptr += 1
                return self.next_token()

            if len(indentation) % 4:
                raise RuntimeError("Indentation must be a multiple of 4.")

            indent_level = len(indentation) // 4
            while indent_level > self.current_indentation_level:
                self.current_indentation_level += 1
            while indent_level < self.current_indentation_level:
                self.current_indentation_level -= 1
            self.beginning_of_line = False

        if self.next_tokens:
            return self.next_tokens.popleft()

        while self.ptr < len(self.code) and self.code[self.ptr] == " ":
            self.ptr += 1

        if self.ptr == len(self.code):
            return Token(TokenType.EOF)

        # ...

Testing indents, dedents, and ignorable lines

Finally, we'll create a test that checks if we can process indentation appropriately:

  • we'll check whether tokens of the type INDENT are created in the correct amount;
  • same thing for DEDENT; and
  • we'll make sure that empty lines (even if they contain indentation) will be ignored.

Here is the test that I wrote:

def test_tokenizer_indentation_empty_lines():
    """Test that empty lines with indentation are ignored."""
    code = (
        + "        1\n"  # 2 indents.
        + "        \n"
        + "        \n"
        + "            1\n"  # 1 indent.
        + "        \n"
        + "            \n"
        + "    \n"
        + "    1\n"  # 2 dedents.
        + "        \n"
        + "            \n"
        + "                    \n"
        + "1\n"  # 1 dedent.
        + "    \n"
        + "            \n"
        + "\n"

    tokens = list(Tokenizer(code))
    assert tokens == [
        Token(TokenType.INT, 1),
        Token(TokenType.INT, 1),
        Token(TokenType.INT, 1),
        Token(TokenType.INT, 1),
        Token(TokenType.INT, 1),

The tree structure for conditionals

An if statement has two essential components:

  1. the condition that determines whether to run the code inside; and
  2. the code inside it.

That's it. And if those two things are the essential components of an if statement, then we'll need a tree node that represents those two things. The condition itself is a regular computation, so we already have a way of representing it in the tree. The body, however, is going to be composed of an arbitrary list of statements... We could actually represent the body as the tree node Program (since a Program is a list of statements) but I want the Program to always be the root of the parsed tree of a full program, so we'll create a node specifically for the body of the if statement:

class Conditional(Statement):
    condition: Expr
    body: Body

class Body(TreeNode):
    statements: list[Statement]

Notice that Body does not inherit from Statement because the body of a conditional statement is not a statement but rather a collection of statements.

Grammar for conditional statements

The next step in adding if statements to our language is parsing them. By now, you already know that if we want to parse something, we need to make sure the grammar allows it.

Currently, the grammar looks like this:

program := statement* EOF

statement := expr_statement | assignment

expr_statement := computation NEWLINE
assignment := ( NAME ASSIGN )+ computation NEWLINE

computation := ...

We'll extend the rule statement to include a rule conditional. In turn, the rule conditional will be the one referencing the token IF, the condition, and the body. Here is a possible grammar extension:

program := statement* EOF

statement := expr_statement | assignment | conditional

expr_statement := computation NEWLINE
assignment := ( NAME ASSIGN )+ computation NEWLINE
conditional := IF computation COLON NEWLINE body

body := INDENT statement+ DEDENT

computation := ...

Notice how the rule conditional mentions yet another rule, body. Of course, we could've written the rule conditional like so:

conditional := IF computation COLON NEWLINE INDENT statement+ DEDENT

However, since the if statement is not the only one to have an indented block of code within it, I'm guessing it'll be helpful to have the rule body as a separate rule.

Parsers for the rules conditional and body

The change to the method parse_statement is pretty trivial:

class Parser:
    # ...

    def parse_statement(self) -> Statement:
        """Parses a statement."""
        if self.peek(skip=1) == TokenType.ASSIGN:
            return self.parse_assignment()
        elif self.peek() == TokenType.IF:  # <-- New branch.
            return self.parse_conditional()
            return self.parse_expr_statement()

The implementation of the method parse_conditional is also pretty straightforward, we only need to read the grammar rule:

class Parser:
    # ...

    def parse_conditional(self) -> Conditional:
        """Parses a conditional statement."""
        # conditional := IF computation COLON NEWLINE body  # IF
        condition = self.parse_computation()  # computation  # COLON  # NEWLINE
        body = self.parse_body()  # body
        return Conditional(condition, body)

The only thing that requires a little bit more imagination is the implementation of parse_body. Notice how body ends with a token of the type DEDENT:

body := INDENT statement+ DEDENT

Before the DEDENT, we do not know how many statements we'll be parsing. So, inside parse_body, we can use a while loop to parse statements while there is no token DEDENT in sight.

class Parser:
    # ...

    def parse_body(self) -> Body:
        """Parses the body of a compound statement."""
        body = Body([])
        while self.peek() != TokenType.DEDENT:
        return body

Printing the new AST nodes

The nodes Body and Program are essentially the same, so we can tack the case of the node Body next to the Program and it will work without a problem:

def print_ast(tree: TreeNode, depth: int = 0) -> None:
    indent = "    " * depth
    node_name = tree.__class__.__name__
    match tree:
        case Program(statements) | Body(statements):  # <--
            # ...

To print a node Conditional we follow more or less the same pattern we've been following up until now:

def print_ast(tree: TreeNode, depth: int = 0) -> None:
    indent = "    " * depth
    node_name = tree.__class__.__name__
    match tree:
        # ...
        case Conditional(condition, body):
            print_ast(condition, depth + 1)
            print_ast(body, depth + 1)
            print(f"{indent})", end="")
        # ...

Now, we can see if parsing conditionals seems to be working well:

❯ python -m python.parser "if 3 ** 4 - 80:
    a = 3
    b = 5"

It even works with nested if statements! Here's an example:

❯ python -m python.parser "if 1:
    a = 3
    b = a
    if 2:
        c = 3"

We can use these examples as two new tests:

def test_conditional():
    code = "if 3 ** 4 - 80:\n    a = 3\n    b = 5"
    tree = Parser(list(Tokenizer(code))).parse()
    assert tree == Program(...)  # Tree from the 1st example above.

def test_nested_conditionals():
    code = "if 1:\n\ta = 3\n\tb = a\n\tif 2:\n\t\tc = 3".expandtabs(tabsize=4)
    tree = Parser(list(Tokenizer(code))).parse()
    assert tree == Program(...)  # Tree from the 2nd example above.

Rewriting the utility to print trees

At this point, I've changed the function print_ast so much that I've realised that all cases of the match statement are essentially the same. This means I can rewrite the function in a shorter way, and also in such a way that I don't need to update it every time I create a new node type.

This new implementation started off as something like this:

from typing import Any

def print_ast(
    obj: TreeNode | list[Any] | Any, depth: int = 0, prefix: str = ""
) -> None:
    indent = "    " * depth
    obj_name = obj.__class__.__name__
    if isinstance(obj, TreeNode):
        for key, value in vars(obj).items():
            print_ast(value, depth + 1, f"{key}=")
        print(f"{indent})", end="")
    elif isinstance(obj, list) and obj and isinstance(obj[0], TreeNode):
        for value in obj:
            print_ast(value, depth + 1)
        print(f"{indent}]", end="")
        print(f"{indent}{prefix}{obj!r}", end="")

    if not depth:

One key change in this new implementation is that this function no longer assumes it will receive tree nodes. It may also receive lists of nodes or any other thing, really. It will do its best to print whatever it receives in the best way possible (see the first and second branches) but if it can't, it will just print whatever it received.

The first case is the generic case where we're printing a tree node, which we can do by traversing all of its attributes and printing them recursively. We use the built-in vars to access all of the attributes and we use the attribute name as a prefix to make the output easier to read.

The second case covers lists of tree nodes, where we want to print one tree node per line.

The final case, which runs by default, is that we print whatever we received without doing anything fancy.

This is a great start, but produces output a little bit too verbose:

❯ python -m python.parser "1"

Notice how the Int in the output above takes up three lines. What we'll do is tweak the first case a bit so that it occupies less space when reasonable:

def print_ast(
    obj: TreeNode | list[Any] | Any, depth: int = 0, prefix: str = ""
) -> None:
    indent = "    " * depth
    obj_name = obj.__class__.__name__
    if isinstance(obj, TreeNode):
        items = list(vars(obj).items())
        if not items:
            print(f"{indent}{prefix}{obj_name}()", end="")
        elif len(items) == 1 and not isinstance(items[0][1], (TreeNode, list)):
            print(f"{indent}{prefix}{obj_name}({items[0][1]!r})", end="")
            for key, value in items:
                print_ast(value, depth + 1, f"{key}=")
            print(f"{indent})", end="")
    # ...

This produces better-looking outputs:

❯ python -m python.parser "if 3 ** 4 - 80:
    a = 3
    b = 5"

Bytecode that jumps

Parsing conditionals is only half of the story, as you already know. We must still compile conditionals into bytecode operators which will then be interpreted. However, compiling a conditional presents a new challenge.

Up until now, we interpreted our program by going over all bytecode operators, in order, one at a time. Now, an if statement means that in the middle of our program we might need to skip a couple of bytecode operators, in case the condition is false. So, we'll introduce a bytecode operator that signals this exact behaviour: POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE.

Here it is, in all its glory:

class BytecodeType(StrEnum):
    # ...
    POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE = auto()

Later, the interpreter will use this bytecode operator to move execution past the body of the if statement if the condition of the if statement evaluates to False. For this to be possible, the bytecode POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE must keep track of where it wants to jump to.

Consider the following piece of code as an example:

if cond:
    visited = 1

done = 1

This code will compile as

Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, 'cond')
Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE)  # `if` statement.
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 1)
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'visited')
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 1)  # <-- Land here if the condition is `False`.
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'done')

In the bytecode above, we see that the body of the if statement produced 2 bytecode operators, which means that if the condition evaluates to False, we'd like to jump past those 2 bytecodes into the bytecode that has a comment next to it. To make this possible, the value associated with the bytecode POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE will be the distance to the bytecode we want to jump to. Since we wanted to jump to the bytecode with the comment next to it, in this example the value associated with the bytecode POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE would be 3.

We can see that Python does a similar thing, and that's where we stole the bytecode operator name from:

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis("""if cond:
...     a = 1""")
  0           0 RESUME                   0

  1           2 LOAD_NAME                0 (cond)
              4 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE        3 (to 12)  # <--

  2           6 LOAD_CONST               0 (1)
              8 STORE_NAME               1 (a)
             10 RETURN_CONST             1 (None)

  1     >>   12 RETURN_CONST             1 (None)

Compiling a conditional

Now that we have the correct bytecode to aid us, we can compile tree nodes of the type Body and Conditional.

The type Body is straightforward and matches the implementation for Program:

class Compiler:
    # ...

    def compile_Body(self, body: Body) -> BytecodeGenerator:
        for statement in body.statements:
            yield from self._compile(statement)

It is the node Conditional that requires a moment of thought. That's because we need to compile the full body and determine its length (in bytecode operators) before we can produce the token POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE:

class Compiler:
    # ...

    def compile_Conditional(self, conditional: Conditional) -> BytecodeGenerator:
        yield from self._compile(conditional.condition)
        body_bytecode = list(self._compile(conditional.body))
        yield Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, len(body_bytecode) + 1)
        yield from body_bytecode

Now, if we compile the code from the previous example, we'll see that the bytecode will have the value 3 associated with it:

❯ python -m python.compiler "if cond:
    visited = 1

done = 1"
Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, 'cond')
Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, 3)
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 1)
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'visited')
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 1)
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'done')

We can use this example as a test for the compiler. We'll also use the code below to produce another test:

if one:
    two = 2

    if three:
        four = 4
        five = 5

    if six:
        seven = 7

    eight = 8

    if nine:
        ten = 10

eleven = 11

This produces a huge tree that I won't show here (you can use the parser yourself!), and it compiles into this:

Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, 'one')            # 0
Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, 19)  # 1 >> 20 (1 + 19)
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 2)                # 2
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'two')            # 3
Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, 'three')          # 4
Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, 5)   # 5 >> 10 (5 + 5)
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 4)                # 6
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'four')           # 7
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 5)                # 8
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'five')           # 9
Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, 'six')            # 10 <<
Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, 3)   # 11 >> 14 (11 + 3)
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 7)                # 12
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'seven')          # 13
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 8)                # 14 <<
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'eight')          # 15
Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, 'nine')           # 16
Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, 3)   # 17 >> 20 (17 + 3)
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 10)               # 18
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'ten')            # 19
Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 11)               # 20 << <<
Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, 'eleven')         # 21

We can see that the jump locations seem to be correct, so we can add this as a test, too:

def test_single_conditional():
    tree = Program(...)  # Tree from the smaller example.
    bytecode = list(Compiler(tree).compile())
    assert bytecode == [
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, "cond"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, 3),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 1),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, "visited"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 1),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, "done"),

def test_multiple_conditionals():
    tree = Program(...)  # Huge tree I didn't paste.

    bytecode = list(Compiler(tree).compile())
    assert bytecode == [
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, "one"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, 19),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 2),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, "two"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, "three"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, 5),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 4),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, "four"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 5),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, "five"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, "six"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, 3),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 7),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, "seven"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 8),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, "eight"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.LOAD, "nine"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE, 3),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 10),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, "ten"),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.PUSH, 11),
        Bytecode(BytecodeType.SAVE, "eleven"),

Non-linear interpretation

At last, we'll change the interpreter to handle the new bytecode operator! Because the bytecode POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE moves the execution to a different bytecode operator, it no longer makes sense for the interpreter to use a for loop. Instead, we'll change to a while loop and each interpret_XXX method will be in charge of handling the movement of the pointer.

So, let us start by changing the interpreter to use a while loop and make sure everything else still works:

class Interpreter:
    def __init__(self, bytecode: list[Bytecode]) -> None:
        # ...
        self.ptr: int = 0

    def interpret(self) -> None:
        while self.ptr < len(self.bytecode):
            bc = self.bytecode[self.ptr]
            bc_name = bc.type.value
            interpret_method = getattr(self, f"interpret_{bc_name}", None)
            if interpret_method is None:
                raise RuntimeError(f"Can't interpret {bc_name}.")


    def interpret_push(self, bc: Bytecode) -> None:
        # ...
        self.ptr += 1  # <-- New.

    def interpret_pop(self, _: Bytecode) -> None:
        # ...
        self.ptr += 1  # <-- New.

    def interpret_binop(self, bc: Bytecode) -> None:
        # ...
        self.ptr += 1  # <-- New.

    def interpret_unaryop(self, bc: Bytecode) -> None:
        # ...
        self.ptr += 1  # <-- New.

    def interpret_save(self, bc: Bytecode) -> None:
        # ...
        self.ptr += 1  # <-- New.

    def interpret_load(self, bc: Bytecode) -> None:
        # ...
        self.ptr += 1  # <-- New.

    def interpret_copy(self, _: Bytecode) -> None:
        # ...
        self.ptr += 1  # <-- New.

Now we can add the method interpret_pop_jump_if_false:

class Interpreter:
    # ...

    def interpret_pop_jump_if_false(self, bc: Bytecode) -> None:
        value = self.stack.pop()
        if not value:
            self.ptr += bc.value
            self.ptr += 1  # Default behaviour is to move to the next bytecode.

Let us write a couple of tests to make sure that this feature is working well:

def test_flat_conditionals():
    code = """
if 1:
    a = 1
    b = 1
if 0:
    a = 20
    b = 20

if a:
    c = 11 - 10

    assert run_get_scope(code) == {"a": 1, "b": 1, "c": 1}

def test_nested_conditionals():
    code = """
if 1:
    if 1:
        a = 1

        if 0:
            c = 1

    if a:
        b = 1

    if 5 - 5:
        c = 1

    assert run_get_scope(code) == {"a": 1, "b": 1}


In this article we've added support for if statements. This entailed doing a couple of interesting things:

  • representing indentation as changes to the indentation level instead of the overall indentation level;
  • tokenizing indents and dedents;
  • extending the tokenizer to recognise keywords (if);
  • introduced new tree node types to represent an if statement and its body of statements;
  • introduced a new bytecode operator that makes the interpreter change positions; and
  • changed the interpreter so that the bytecodes can be interpreted in a non-linear fashion.

You can get the code for this article at tag v0.7.0 of this GitHub repository.

Next steps

In the next articles we will be looking at adding support for else and elif statements, as well as the while loop and proper Boolean values and Boolean operators.

The exercises below will challenge you to try and implement a couple of features that we will implement eventually, so go ahead and take a look at those.


  • Try to implement the 6 comparison operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=.
  • Implement the Boolean literals True and False.
  • Implement the Boolean operators not, and, and or.
  • Can you add support for the else statement?
  • What about elif statements?
  • Can you add proper Boolean values and comparison operators?
  • Try to add support for the while loop. (You can go crazy and also try to add the keywords break and continue.)

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