The dunder method __new__
is used to customise object creation and is a core stepping stone in understanding metaprogramming in Python.
The dunder method __new__
is a static method that creates new instances of your class and, therefore, can be used to customise that process.
The dunder methods __init__
and __new__
can look quite similar at first sight.
The dunder method __init__
will initialise your instance of your class, but that instance must be created before it can be initialised, and that's the job of the dunder method __new__
The dunder method __new__
accepts, as arguments, the class we are trying to create an instance of and all of the arguments passed to the class constructor, as shown in the snippet below:
class C:
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
print(cls, args, kwargs)
return super().__new__(cls)
C() # <class '__main__.C'> () {}
C(73, True, a=15) # <class '__main__.C'> (73, True) {'a': 15}
The return statement includes super().__new__(cls)
, which is the typical way in which the object we want to create is brought to life.
The dunder method __new__
can return any object whatsoever and the return value of the dunder method __new__
is the result we get when we instantiate the class.
For example, if we create a class C
whose dunder method __new__
returns 73, then whenever we try to instantiate the class C
we get the number 73:
class C:
def __new__(cls):
return 73
c = C()
print(c) # 73
print(type(c)) # int
Usually, the dunder method __new__
will return an instance of the class it's in.
When that is the case, Python will automatically call the dunder method __init__
on the object that was returned and it will pass along the arguments that were specified in the class constructor.
So, if __init__
gets called, it will receive the same arguments that __new__
This snippet of code shows that __init__
only gets called when the return value is an instance of the class where the method __new__
is defined:
class C:
def __new__(cls, *, return_73):
if return_73:
return 73
return super().__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
x = C(return_73=True)
print(x) # 73
y = C(return_73=False) # __init__!
print(y) # <__main__.C object at 0x4ac5a507510>
It is relevant to note that Python will call __init__
on the object returned even if it's an instance of a subclass of the class where the method __new__
is running!
In the snippet below, we create the class C
and its subclass D
defines the dunder method __new__
and both classes define their respective dunder methods __init__
When we create an instance of C
, we actually get an instance of D
and the dunder method D.__init__
gets called automatically:
class C:
def __new__(cls):
return super().__new__(D)
def __init__(self):
class D(C):
def __init__(self):
d = C() # D.__init__
print(type(d)) # <class '__main__.D'>
This may look a bit weird but it's actually a pattern that is used in the standard library, in the module pathlib
uses __new__
to customise path creationHave you ever noticed how, if you import Path
from pathlib
, and then instantiate it, you get an object that depends on your operating system?
For example, in my machine, I get this:
from pathlib import Path
print(Path()) # PosixPath('.')
If I were on a Windows machine, I would get a WindowsPath
instead of a PosixPath
How does the module do this, if all I do is instantiate always the same class Path
The class Path
implements a dunder method __new__
and the dunder method __new__
looks at the operating system of the machine its running on.
If it's a Windows machine, it will create a WindowsPath
If it's not a Windows machine, it will create a PosixPath
Because both WindowsPath
and PosixPath
inherit from Path
, this won't interfere with the remainder of the object creation and initialisation.
The snippet of code below mimics this structure (with a much sillier but simpler example):
class Number:
def __new__(cls, value):
print("Number.__new__", end=", ")
if cls is Number:
cls = OddNumber if value % 2 else EvenNumber
return super().__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
class EvenNumber(Number):
def __init__(self, value):
print("EvenNumber.__init__", end=", ")
self.is_even = True
class OddNumber(Number):
def __init__(self, value):
print("OddNumber.__init__", end=", ")
self.is_even = False
x = Number(73) # Number.__new__, OddNumber.__init__, Number.__init__
print(type(x)) # <class '__main__.OddNumber'>
print(x.value) # 73
(You can see the exact line of code that does this for pathlib
in Python 3.14 on GitHub.)
to subclass immutable typesThe Python documentation says that โ__new__()
is intended mainly to allow subclasses of immutable types (like int
, str
, or tuple
) to customize instance creation.โ
But what does this mean?
As a motivating example, let us try to implement a class TolerantFloat
that is a subclass of float
Instances of TolerantFloat
will work exactly like floats except for equality comparisons, where the comparison will be based on an error tolerance to account for floating point errors.
Here is an example usage of this class we want to implement:
x = TolerantFloat(0.5, rel_tol=0.1)
print(x == 0.51) # True (close enough)
print(x == 0.42) # False (not close enough)
How do we implement TolerantFloat
(Go ahead and give it a go yourself!)
The first thing you need to understand is that the method __init__
does nothing on immutable objects.
For example, calling __init__
with a new value won't change the number associated with a float:
x = 3.5
print(x) # 3.5
print(x) # 3.5
This is opposed to what happens for mutable types, for which calling __init__
can have an effect on the value:
my_list = [42]
print(my_list) # [0, 1, 2]
This won't work on immutable objects because they are... Immutable!
For floats, the only moment where we can influence the object being created is inside __new__
, because __init__
isn't used at all.
Thus, if our tentative implementation of TolerantFloat
tries to resort to the method __init__
, it will fail:
class TolerantFloat(float):
def __init__(self, value, rel_tol):
super().__init__(self, value)
self.rel_tol = rel_tol
x = TolerantFloat(0.5, rel_tol=0.1) # TypeError
We already know that calling super().__init__
won't do anything, but where does the TypeError
come from?
Remember that __new__
and __init__
are called with the same arguments, so when we type TolerantFloat(0.5, rel_tol=0.1)
, we are trying to call float.__new__
with with two arguments and Python isn't happy about it.
This means that we must implement TolerantFloat.__new__
to pass only the numerical value to float.__new__
class TolerantFloat(float):
def __new__(cls, value, rel_tol):
return super().__new__(cls, value)
def __init__(self, value, rel_tol):
self.rel_tol = rel_tol
x = TolerantFloat(0.5, rel_tol=0.1)
print(x) # 0.5
By implementing TolerantFloat.__new__
we can intercept object creation at the right point to make sure that Python initialises the float properly and only then do we add the relative tolerance as an attribute.
With this, we can finally implement the dunder method __eq__
that uses math.isclose
to do the lenient equality comparison:
from math import isclose
class TolerantFloat(float):
def __new__(cls, value, rel_tol):
return super().__new__(cls, value)
def __init__(self, value, rel_tol):
self.rel_tol = rel_tol
def __eq__(self, other):
return isclose(self, other, rel_tol = self.rel_tol)
x = TolerantFloat(0.5, rel_tol=0.1)
print(x == 0.51) # True
print(x == 0.42) # False
in metaclassesThe documentation also mentions that __new__
is commonly overridden in custom metaclasses in order to customise class creation.
To give you an example of what this could look like, we will implement a metaclass that injects a better default dunder method __str__
in all classes that use that metaclass.
(Note that this is a simplified example of how __new__
can be used to customise class creation and this specific goal could be achieved through other means.)
def better_str(self):
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} object>"
class BetterStrMeta(type): # <- Metaclasses inherit from `type`!
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
cls_object = super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
cls_object.__str__ = better_str
return cls_object
class A1:
class A2(metaclass=BetterStrMeta): # BetterStrMeta.__new__
print(A1()) # <__main__.A1 object at 0x46616501090>
print(A2()) # <A2 object> <- cleaner!
If you run the code above you will see that the first print is BetterStrMeta.__new__
because that runs when the class is defined.
In there, we defer to super().__new__
to do the object creation (which is the class A2
) and then we inject the method better_str
in place of A2.__str__
Finally, when we print an instance of A2
we see a cleaner string representation of that object.
The dunder method __new__
is a method that the vast majority of Python programmers will never have to use.
In some cases, you may want to implement an instantiation pattern similar to that of pathlib.Path
, where you instantiate a main class that dispatches automatically to a subclass, but that's a fairly rare requirement.
Using __new__
to subclass built-in types or in metaclasses is likely an even rarer requirement.
So, if you want to learn metaprogramming you need to learn how __new__
This knowledge will help you understand better how Python works and that is a good thing.
However, in the code you write, you probably won't need to use this knowledge explicitly.
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