This is an introduction to dunder methods in Python, to help you understand what they are and what they are for.
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Python is a language that has a rich set of built-in functions and operators that work really well with the built-in types.
For example, the operator +
works on numbers, as addition, but it also works on strings, lists, and tuples, as concatenation:
>>> 1 + 2.3
>>> [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
But what is it that defines that +
is addition for numbers (integers and floats)
and concatenation for lists, tuples, strings?
What if I wanted +
to work on other types?
Can I do that?
The short answer is “yes”, and that happens through dunder methods, the object of study in this Pydon't. In this Pydon't, you will
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In Python, dunder methods are methods that allow instances of a class to interact with the built-in functions and operators of the language.
The word “dunder” comes from “double underscore”, because the names of dunder methods start and end with two underscores,
for example __str__
or __add__
Typically, dunder methods are not invoked directly by the programmer, making it look like they are called by magic.
That is why dunder methods are also referred to as “magic methods” sometimes.1
Dunder methods are not called magically, though. They are just called implicitly by the language, at specific times that are well-defined, and that depend on the dunder method in question.
If you have defined classes in Python, you are bound to have crossed paths with a dunder method: __init__
The dunder method __init__
is responsible for initialising your instance of the class,
which is why it is in there that you usually set a bunch of attributes related to arguments the class received.
For example, if you were creating an instance of a class Square
you would create the attribute for the side length in __init__
class Square:
def __init__(self, side_length):
"""__init__ is the dunder method that INITialises the instance.
To create a square, we need to know the length of its side,
so that will be passed as an argument later, e.g. with Square(1).
To make sure the instance knows its own side length,
we save it with self.side_length = side_length.
print("Inside init!")
self.side_length = side_length
sq = Square(1)
# Inside init!
If you run the code above, you will see the message “Inside init!” being printed,
and yet, you did not call the method __init__
The dunder method __init__
was called implicitly by the language when you created your instance of a square.
The two underscores in the beginning and end of the name of a dunder method do not have any special significance. In other words, the fact that the method name starts and ends with two underscores, in and of itself, does nothing special. The two underscores are there just to prevent name collision with other methods implemented by unsuspecting programmers.
Think of it this way:
Python has a built-in called sum
You can define sum
to be something else,
but then you lose access to the built-in that sums things, right?
>>> sum(range(10))
>>> sum = 45
>>> sum(range(10))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
Often, you see beginners using sum
as a variable name because they do not know sum
is actually a built-in function.
If the built-in was named __sum__
instead of sum
it would be much more difficult for you to override it by mistake, right?
But it would also make it much less convenient to use sum
However, for magic methods, we do not need their names to be super convenient to type, because you almost never type the name of a magic method. Therefore, Python decided that the magic methods would have names that start and end with two underscores, to make it less likely that someone would override one of those methods by accident!
All in all, dunder methods are just like any other method you have implemented, with the small exception that dunder methods can be called implicitly by the language.
All Python operators, like +
, ==
, and in
rely on dunder methods to implement their behaviour.
For example, when Python encounters the code value in container
it actually turns that into a call to the appropriate dunder method __contains__
which means that Python actually runs the expression container.__contains__(value)
Let me show you:
>>> my_list = [2, 4, 6]
>>> 3 in my_list
>>> my_list.__contains__(3)
>>> 6 in my_list
>>> my_list.__contains__(6)
Therefore, when you want to overload certain operators to make them work in a custom way with your own objects, you need to implement the respective dunder methods.
So, if you were to create your own type of container,
you could implement the dunder method __contains__
to make sure that your containers could be on the right-hand side of an expression with the operator in
As we have seen, dunder methods are (typically) called implicitly by the language...
But when?
The dunder method __init__
is called when initialising an instance of a class,
but what about __str__
, or __bool__
, or other dunder methods?
The table that follows lists all dunder methods together with one or more (simplified) usage examples that would implicitly call the respective dunder method. This may include brief descriptions of situations where the relevant dunder method might be called, or example function calls that depend on that dunder method. These example situations may have caveats associated, so be sure to read the documentation on dunder methods whenever you want to play with a dunder method you are unfamiliar with.
The row order of the table matches the order in which these dunder methods are mentioned in the “Data Model” page of the documentation, which does not imply any dependency between the various dunder methods, nor does it imply a level of difficulty in understanding the methods.
Dunder method | Usage / Needed for | Learn more |
__init__ |
Initialise object | docs |
__new__ |
Create object | docs |
__del__ |
Destroy object | docs |
__repr__ |
Compute “official” string representation / repr(obj)
blog; docs |
__str__ |
Pretty print object / str(obj) / print(obj)
blog; docs |
__bytes__ |
bytes(obj) |
docs |
__format__ |
Custom string formatting | blog; docs |
__lt__ |
obj < ... |
docs |
__le__ |
obj <= ... |
docs |
__eq__ |
obj == ... |
docs |
__ne__ |
obj != ... |
docs |
__gt__ |
obj > ... |
docs |
__ge__ |
obj >= ... |
docs |
__hash__ |
hash(obj) / object as dictionary key |
docs |
__bool__ |
bool(obj) / define Truthy/Falsy value of object |
blog; docs |
__getattr__ |
Fallback for attribute access | docs |
__getattribute__ |
Implement attribute access:
docs |
__setattr__ |
Set attribute values: = value
docs |
__delattr__ |
Delete attribute: del
docs |
__dir__ |
dir(obj) |
docs |
__get__ |
Attribute access in descriptor | docs |
__set__ |
Set attribute in descriptor | docs |
__delete__ |
Attribute deletion in descriptor | docs |
__init_subclass__ |
Initialise subclass | docs |
__set_name__ |
Owner class assignment callback | docs |
__instancecheck__ |
isinstance(obj, ...) |
docs |
__subclasscheck__ |
issubclass(obj, ...) |
docs |
__class_getitem__ |
Emulate generic types | docs |
__call__ |
Emulate callables / obj(*args, **kwargs)
docs |
__len__ |
len(obj) |
docs |
__length_hint__ |
Estimate length for optimisation purposes | docs |
__getitem__ |
Access obj[key]
blog; docs |
__setitem__ |
obj[key] = ... or obj[]
blog; docs |
__delitem__ |
del obj[key] |
blog; docs |
__missing__ |
Handle missing keys in dict subclasses |
docs |
__iter__ |
iter(obj) / for ... in obj (iterating over) |
docs |
__reversed__ |
reverse(obj) |
docs |
__contains__ |
... in obj (membership test) |
docs |
__add__ |
obj + ... |
blog; docs |
__radd__ |
... + obj |
blog; docs |
__iadd__ |
obj += ... |
blog; docs |
__sub__ 2 3
obj - ... |
blog; docs |
__mul__ 2 3
obj * ... |
blog; docs |
__matmul__ 2 3
obj @ ... |
blog; docs |
__truediv__ 2 3
obj / ... |
blog; docs |
__floordiv__ 2 3
obj // ... |
blog; docs |
__mod__ 2 3
obj % ... |
blog; docs |
__divmod__ 2
divmod(obj, ...) |
blog; docs |
__pow__ 2 3
obj ** ... |
blog; docs |
__lshift__ 2 3
obj << ... |
blog; docs |
__rshift__ 2 3
obj >> ... |
blog; docs |
__and__ 2 3
obj & ... |
blog; docs |
__xor__ 2 3
obj ^ ... |
blog; docs |
__or__ 2 3
obj | ... |
blog; docs |
__neg__ |
-obj (unary) |
blog; docs |
__pos__ |
+obj (unary) |
blog; docs |
__abs__ |
abs(obj) |
blog; docs |
__invert__ |
~obj (unary) |
blog; docs |
__complex__ |
complex(obj) |
docs |
__int__ |
int(obj) |
docs |
__float__ |
float(obj) |
docs |
__index__ |
Losslessly convert to integer | docs |
__round__ |
round(obj) |
docs |
__trunc__ |
math.trunc(obj) |
docs |
__floor__ |
math.floor(obj) |
docs |
__ceil__ |
math.ceil(obj) |
docs |
__enter__ |
with obj (enter context manager) |
docs |
__exit__ |
with obj (exit context manager) |
docs |
__await__ |
Implement awaitable objects | docs |
__aiter__ |
aiter(obj) |
docs |
__anext__ |
anext(obj) |
docs |
__aenter__ |
async with obj (enter async context manager) |
docs |
__aexit__ |
async with obj (exit async context manager) |
docs |
Whenever I learn about a new dunder method, the first thing I do is to play around with it.
Below, I share with you the three steps I follow when I'm exploring a new dunder method:
I will show you how I follow these steps with a practical example,
the dunder method __missing__
What is the dunder method __missing__
The documentation for the dunder method __missing__
“Called by
to implementself[key]
subclasses whenkey
is not in the dictionary.”
In other words, the dunder method __missing__
is only relevant for subclasses of dict
and it is called whenever we cannot find a given key in the dictionary.
In what situations, that I can recreate, does the dunder method __missing__
get called?
From the documentation text, it looks like we might need a dictionary subclass,
and then we need to access a key that does not exist in that dictionary.
Thus, this should be enough to trigger the dunder method __missing__
class DictSubclass(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
print("Hello, world!")
my_dict = DictSubclass()
my_dict["this key isn't available"]
# Hello, world!
Notice how barebones the code above is:
I just defined a method called __missing__
and made a print,
just so I could check that __missing__
was being called.
Now I am going to make a couple more tests,
just to make sure that __missing__
is really only called when trying to get the value of a key that doesn't exist:
class DictSubclass(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
print(f"Missing {key = }")
my_dict = DictSubclass()
my_dict[0] = True
if my_dict[0]:
print("Key 0 was `True`.")
# Prints: Key 0 was `True`
my_dict[1] # Prints: Missing key = 1
Now that we have a clearer picture of when __missing__
comes into play,
we can use it for something useful.
For example, we can try implementing defaultdict
based on __missing__
is a container from the module collections
and it's just like a dictionary,
except that it uses a factory to generate default values when keys are missing.
For example, here is an instance of defaultdict
that returns the value 0
by default:
from collections import defaultdict
olympic_medals = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # Produce 0 by default
olympic_medals["Phelps"] = 28
print(olympic_medals["Phelps"]) # 28
print(olympic_medals["me"]) # 0
So, to reimplement defaultdict
, we need to accept a factory function,
we need to save that factory,
and we need to use it inside __missing__
Just as a side note,
notice that defaultdict
not only returns the default value,
but also assigns it to the key that wasn't there before:
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> olympic_medals = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # Produce 0 by default
>>> olympic_medals
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x000001F15404F1F0>, {})
>>> # Notice the underlying dictionary is empty -------^^
>>> olympic_medals["me"]
>>> olympic_medals
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x000001F15404F1F0>, {'me': 0})
>>> # It's not empty anymore --------------------------^^^^^^^^^
Given all of this, here is a possible reimplementation of defaultdict
class my_defaultdict(dict):
def __init__(self, default_factory, **kwargs):
self.default_factory = default_factory
def __missing__(self, key):
"""Populate the missing key and return its value."""
self[key] = self.default_factory()
return self[key]
olympic_medals = my_defaultdict(lambda: 0) # Produce 0 by default
olympic_medals["Phelps"] = 28
print(olympic_medals["Phelps"]) # 28
print(olympic_medals["me"]) # 0
Here's the main takeaway of this Pydon't, for you, on a silver platter:
“Dunder methods are specific methods that allow you to specify how your objects interact with the Python syntax, its keywords, operators, and built-ins.”
This Pydon't showed you that:
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I very much prefer the name “dunder method” over “magic method” because “magic method” makes it look like it's difficult to understand because there is wizardry going on! Spoiler: there isn't. ↩
this dunder method also has a “right” version, with the same name but prefixed by an "r"
, and that is called when the object is on the right-hand side of the operation and the object on the left-hand side doesn't implement the behaviour. See __radd__
above. ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩
this dunder method also has a “in-place” version, with the same name but prefixed by an "i"
, and that is called for augmented assignment with the given operator. See __iadd__
above. ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩
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