This article teaches you how to use functools.partial
, how it works, and when to use it, with clear examples.
is a tool from the standard module functools
that allows you to curry positional and keyword arguments in functions.
In a certain way, it's as if partial
creates a specialised version of the function you pass it in, with certain arguments frozen.
For example, the built-in int
converts objects to integers:
>>> int("14")
>>> int(14.5)
Maybe you didn't know that the built-in int
also accepts a second argument that specifies the base from which the number must be converted:
>>> bin(99) # 99 in binary is 1100011
>>> int("1100011", base=2)
>>> hex(99) # 99 in hexadecimal is 63
>>> int("63", base=16)
By using functools.partial
, you can create specialised versions of int
where the parameter base
was fixed to a certain base:
# `partial` lives inside the module `functools`:
>>> from functools import partial
>>> from_bin = partial(int, base=2)
>>> from_bin("1100011")
>>> from_hex = partial(int, base=16)
>>> from_hex("63")
The two examples above show that the first argument to partial
is the function whose argument(s) we want to freeze.
Then, we can provide as many positional or keyword arguments as needed.
In our case, we just specified the parameter base
as a keyword parameter.
Here's how you could read both examples of partial
partial(int, base=2)
- create a new version of int
where the parameter base
is always set to 2
; andpartial(int, base=16)
– create a new version of int
where the parameter base
is always set to 16
The example above showed briefly how partial
works and this section will go over the most important details.
For demonstration purposes, let us create a function with a couple of parameters:
def foo(a, b, *, c, d=10):
print(a, b, c, d)
The function foo
above has 4 parameters, of which c
and d
are keyword-only and d
has a default value of 10
and positional argumentspartial
can be given positional parameters, which will be passed in, in order, to the function that is the first argument to partial
When you call the new function, the other positional arguments you pass in are appended to the ones you already specified.
So, bar = partial(foo, 1)
is a function that has 3 parameters and that corresponds to foo(1, b, *, c, d=10)
Similarly, baz = partial(foo, 1, 2)
is a function that has 2 parameters and that corresponds to foo(1, 2, *, c, d=10)
>>> bar = partial(foo, 1)
>>> bar(20, c=30, d=40)
1 20 30 40
>>> baz = partial(foo, 1, 2)
>>> baz(c=30, d=40)
1 2 30 40
Notice that partial
doesn't do any type of validation whatsoever regarding the number of arguments you pass in.
This means that a call to partial
might succeed but then produce a function that is unusable.
The example below shows this.
The partial
call below succeeds but then we're then unable to call too_many_args
because foo
, the underlying function, only accepts two positional arguments:
>>> too_many_args = partial(foo, 1, 2, 3) # This works fine...
>>> too_many_args() # ... even though `too_many_args` is unusable...
TypeError: foo() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
>>> too_many_args(c=3, d=4)
TypeError: foo() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 positional arguments (and 2 keyword-only arguments) were given
and keyword argumentsIn the very first example we've already seen that partial
accepts keyword arguments which are then passed into the underlying function.
Keyword arguments set in partial
can also be overridden:
>>> foo_no_d = partial(foo, d=999)
>>> foo_no_d(1, 2, c=3) # `d` was set...
1 2 3 999
>>> foo_no_d(1, 2, c=3, d=4) # ... but it can be overridden.
1 2 3 4
A very useful thing to note is that we can pass in arguments as keyword arguments to partial
even if they're not necessarily keyword arguments in the original function.
This means that we can use partial(foo, b=...)
to freeze the value of the parameter b
while leaving a
unspecified, for example:
>>> foo_no_b = partial(foo, b=999)
>>> foo_no_b(1, c=3, d=4)
1 999 3 4
What we can't do is try to override the value of b
by passing a second positional argument:
>>> foo_no_b(1, 2, c=3, d=4)
TypeError: foo() got multiple values for argument 'b'
Finally, bear in mind something that may or may not be obvious, which is that if a parameter is defined as positional-only, then you can't set it as a keyword with partial
>>> def pos_only(a, /, b): # The `/` says that `a` is positional-only.
... print(a, b)
>>> pos_only(1, 2)
1 2
>>> pos_only(a=1, b=2) # `a` can't be specified as a keyword value...
TypeError: pos_only() got some positional-only arguments passed as keyword arguments: 'a'
>>> f = partial(pos_only, a=1)
>>> f(b=2)
TypeError: pos_only() got some positional-only arguments passed as keyword arguments: 'a'
object and its attributesIn the beginning of this article I wrote that “partial
is a tool” instead of “partial
is a function”, and I did that because partial
is not a function.
In fact, partial
is a class:
>>> type(partial)
<class 'type'>
This means that using partial
creates partial
>>> from_bin = partial(int, base=2)
>>> from_bin
functools.partial(<class 'int'>, base=2)
This is not terribly important or worrying, although it does mean you get access to three read-only attributes:
Attribute name | Description |
func |
The original function passed into partial . |
args |
The leftmost positional arguments for the function. |
keywords |
The keyword arguments for the function. |
Using the same foo
as before, we can see all these three attributes in action:
>>> spam = partial(foo, 1, c=3, d=999)
>>> spam.func
<function foo at 0x1035a25e0>
>>> spam.func is foo
>>> spam.args
>>> spam.keywords
{'c': 3, 'd': 999}
Knowing this, we can understand the simplified implementation of partial
that the documentation shows:
def partial(func, /, *args, **keywords):
def newfunc(*fargs, **fkeywords):
newkeywords = {**keywords, **fkeywords}
return func(*args, *fargs, **newkeywords)
newfunc.func = func
newfunc.args = args
newfunc.keywords = keywords
return newfunc
The line newkeywords = {...}
shows that keyword arguments can be overridden and the line return func(*args, *fargs, ...)
shows that the positional arguments you pass into partial
are used before the positional arguments passed in when you call the function.
versus lambda
There are many practical cases in which using partial
or lambda
ends up being similar.
For example, the from_bin
and from_hex
examples could've been lambda
>>> from_bin = lambda x: int(x, base=2)
>>> from_bin("1100011")
>>> from_hex = lambda x: int(x, base=16)
>>> from_hex("63")
From the functional point of view, the two versions above are essentially the same as the two versions using partial
and in some contexts deciding between a partial
or a lambda
may be a matter of personal preference.
However, do keep in mind that partial
provides much better introspection capabilities, whereas lambda
is pretty opaque.
Finally, most people consider that naming a lambda
is an anti-pattern and something you shouldn't do.
is also much more convenient when freezing arguments in a function with a long signature because the lambda
definition would have to recreate the whole signature.
For example, if we only want to freeze the parameter a
in foo
, the version with lambda
becomes more verbose:
from functools import partial
partial(foo, 1)
lambda b, *, c, d=10: foo(1, b, c=c, d=d)
The partial
version is also more convenient to update.
There are two occasions that are typically good use cases for partial
, and that's when you want to create callbacks and when you want to create specialised versions of general functions.
One example application for partial
is to create callbacks in code that interacts with frameworks.
The function bt_draw
below is a function from a tkinter calculator.
Among other things, the function accepts a key
that determines whether the button is a digit, an operator like +
or -
, or the key to clear the calculator.
Then, the function bt_press
is in charge of handling button presses.
To connect each button to the function bt_press
, the first line of bt_draw
uses command
to specify which function must be called when the button is pressed.
This function that will be called later is the callback.
In our case, we say that the callback is the function bt_press
In order for bt_press
to know what was the actual key that was pressed, when we specify the callback, we freeze the value of the key.
In the original calculator code, this was done with lambda
def bt_draw(key, col, lin):
bt = tk.Button(window, text=key, command=lambda: bt_press(key)) # <--
bt.grid(column=col+1, row=lin+1)
return bt
def bt_press(key):
This could also be done with partial:
def bt_draw(key, col, lin):
bt = tk.Button(window, text=key, command=partial(bt_press, key)) # <--
Is partial
a much better solution here?
Not necessarily!
was perfectly fine in this case and in situations like this, where we are creating callbacks, I think that partial
is better than lambda
only when you need introspection or when the callbacks have long signatures.
The situation where partial
really shines, in my opinion, is when you have a general function and you want to specialise it.
Going back to the int
example, notice how using partial
to freeze the value of base
allowed me to create two specialised versions of int
By creating these specialised versions, I created two functions that are simpler to use and are more well-defined. In particular, if the name is well chosen, the specialised versions become very convenient and may improve the readability of your code.
The benefits of using partial
to create specialised functions increase with the complexity of the original function and/or the combination of arguments you are specifying.
For example, if you specify base=0
, int
will interpret the string as an integer literal, which lets you convert things like 0b1100011
or 0x63
to integers, and int
takes care of figuring out the base:
>>> int("0b1100011", base=0)
>>> int("0x63", base=0)
By using partial
with base=0
, we can create a specialised function with a better name that makes it easier for others to understand what is happening if they don't know what base=0
does yet:
>>> interpret_int_literal = partial(int, base=0)
>>> interpret_int_literal("0b1100011")
>>> interpret_int_literal("0x63")
The fact that we use the name interpret_int_literal
is a great hint as to what int(..., base=0)
does, which is helpful to those who are reading the code and never encountered the parameter base=0
Another example I enjoy a lot is that of using max
with the key
parameter set to len
When setting key
to the built-in len
, these functions get a new meaning:
partial object |
Meaning |
partial(max, key=len) |
Find longest item |
partial(min, key=len) |
Find shortest item |
partial(sorted, key=len) |
Sort by length |
Here's an example application:
>>> longest = partial(max, key=len)
>>> longest("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".split())
examplesJust for the fun of it, the table below includes many examples of using partial
that take a general function and create a more specific function with a more specific meaning.
The main purpose of this table is to show the relationships between some built-ins and some concepts.
Thus, not all examples of partial
here would be suitable for use in production code.
As an exercise, use each one of these partial
Original | partial application |
Meaning |
int |
partial(int, base=2) |
Read binary numbers |
int |
partial(int, base=16) |
Read hexadecimal numbers |
max |
partial(max, key=len) |
Find longest item |
min |
partial(min, key=len) |
Find shortest item |
sorted |
partial(sorted, key=len) |
Sort by length |
max |
partial(max, default=float("-inf")) |
Mathematically correct max |
min |
partial(min, default=float("inf")) |
Mathematically correct min |
round |
partial(round, ndigits=2) |
Round to 2 decimal places |
round |
partial(round, ndigits=-3) |
Round to nearest thousand |
reduce |
partial(reduce, operator.add) |
sum built-in1 |
reduce |
partial(reduce, operator.mul) |
prod from the module math 2 |
reduce |
partial(reduce, opertator.and_) |
all built-in3 |
reduce |
partial(reduce, operator.or_) |
any built-in4 |
range |
partial(range, 1) |
Natural counting |
enumerate |
partial(enumerate, start=1) |
Natural enumeration |
If you come up with other interesting examples of partial
, feel free to comment them below or to email me and I might add them here!
The partial
application is not equivalent to sum
because sum([])
gives 0
and the partial
application will error. ↩
The partial
application is not equivalent to prod
because prod([])
gives 1
and the partial
application will error. ↩
The partial
application is not equivalent to all
because all([])
gives True
and the partial
application will error. Furthermore, all
will short-circuit and the partial
application won't. ↩
The partial
application is not equivalent to any
because any([])
gives False
and the partial
application will error. Furthermore, any
will short-circuit and the partial
application won't. ↩
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, [last accessed 03-01-2024];partial
objects, [last accessed 03-01-2024];