This is a short and practical tutorial that guides you on how to work with case-insensitive strings in Python and teaches how to use the str.lower, str.upper, and str.casefold methods.

What is case insensitivity?

Case-insensitivity is what allows you to do string operations without having to worry about whether characters are upper case or lower case.

For example, URLs are case-insensitive. Whether you write

  • MaThSpP.cOm,

you will always end up at

When programming, sometimes you need to do case-insensitive operations.

For example, when you create a new user, you may want to check if no other user has the same name, regardless of casing. In other words, you may not want the possibility of having three different users with the names "rodrigo", "Rodrigo", and "RODRIGO".


How to work with case-insensitive strings in Python?

Suppose you want to create a check for new email users: a user can only create a new address if that address is different from all other existing addresses. However, email addresses are also case-insensitive, so you write a function is_new_email that accepts the address that the user wants to use and returns a Boolean that determines if the new address is valid or not.

Here is what that could look like:

users = [

def is_new_email(address):
    for user in users:
        if ...:
            return False
    return True

How would you fill in the ...? How can you finish that function so that these tests now work:

assert is_new_email("")
assert is_new_email("")

assert not is_new_email("")
assert not is_new_email("JOHNDOE@GMAIL.COM")
assert not is_new_email("")
assert not is_new_email("")

Don't use str.lower for caseless comparison

If your answer was to write something along the lines of if user.lower() == address.lower():, then you made a mistake. It is a very honest mistake, though, and I will explain why I say that is a mistake.

Because of my culture and the place I was born in, I am used to 26 nice characters that have their nice and tidy uppercase and lowercase versions:

>>> import string
>>> string.ascii_uppercase
>>> string.ascii_lowercase

However, not all languages are like this. For example, German has this interesting character: "ß". This character is a lowercase character:

>>> "ß".lower()

However, this character is equivalent to "ss"! So, when you convert "ß" to uppercase, you get "SS" back:

>>> "ß".upper()

Now, who can guess the output of the next function call:

>>> "SS".lower()

"SS".lower() will return "ss" and not "ß"!

Here is a short script you can copy and paste into your REPL to see more characters that suffer from this:

for i in range(65535):
    try: c = chr(i)
    except Exception: continue
    if c.lower() == c and c.upper().lower() != c: print(i, c)

Prints characters such as:
181 µ
223 ß
305 ı
329 ʼn
383 ſ
496 ǰ
837 ͅ
# and many more...

These interesting characters can cause quite some trouble!

Of course, you can restrict email addresses to only be composed of ASCII characters (the ones in string.ascii_lowercase) but you can't always run away from your problems by restricting the valid letters!

Don't use str.upper for caseless comparison

For a pretty similar reason, you shouldn't be using str.upper when you want to do caseless comparison. So, the answer to the challenge above was not if user.upper() == address.upper(): because of a similar reason.

Here is a script that is very similar to the one above. It prints characters that are already uppercase, but for which their lowercase version can't be uppercased back to the same character:

for i in range(65535):
    try: c = chr(i)
    except Exception: continue
    if c.upper() == c and c.lower().upper() != c: print(i, c)

Prints these characters:
304 İ
1012 ϴ
7838 ẞ
8486 Ω
8490 K
8491 Å

How to do caseless comparison in Python

The method str.casefold is the method that you want to use when you need to do caseless, or case-insensitive, comparisons in Python. This method is similar to the method str.lower, but it does some extra normalisation to prevent the issues we have seen above.

For ASCII inputs, the two methods look exactly the same:

>>> sentence = "THE QUICK brown FoX jumps OVER the LaZy dog."
>>> sentence.lower()
'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
>>> sentence.casefold()
'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'

However, for the funny characters that we saw above, str.casefold works differently:

>>> word = "straße"  # "street" in German
>>> word.lower()
>>> word.casefold()

So, if you have to check if two addresses are the same and you need to do a caseless comparison, you know you will have to use str.casefold:

def addresses_match(new, old):
    return new.casefold() == old.casefold()

address_in_database = "Imaginary Straße, 27"
new_address = "IMAGINARY STRASSE, 27"

print(addresses_match(new_address, address_in_database))  # True

Now that we know how to use str.casefold, we can do some really interesting things. For example, we can build case-insensitive dictionaries or case-insensitive sets

How to implement a case-insensitive dictionary in Python

To implement a case-insensitive dictionary in Python, we need to use the string method str.casefold whenever we are setting, getting, or deleting a key from the dictionary.

For this exercise, we will implement a class CaseInsensitiveDict that will behave like this:

class CaseInsensitiveDict(dict):

d = CaseInsensitiveDict()
print(d)  # {}

d["Rodrigo"] = "Rodrigo"
print(d["RODRIGO"])  # Rodrigo
del d["rOdRiGo"]
print(d)  # {}

d["straße"] = "street"
print(d)  # {'strasse': "STREET"}

Dictionaries use dunder methods when accessing keys, when setting keys to new values, and when deleting keys from the dictionary:

  • the dunder method __setitem__(key, value) is called when we access the dictionary to set an item, e.g. with d[key] = value;
  • the dunder method __getitem__(key) is called when we access the dictionary to get a value back, e.g. with print(d[key]); and
  • the dunder method __delitem__(key) is called when we try to delete a key and the corresponding value from the dictionary, e.g., with del d[key].

So, we need to override these dunder methods and make sure to use str.casefold to normalise the string keys before using them. To make our lives easier, we will make our class CaseInsensitiveDict inherit from dict. That way, we will have to worry about using str.casefold but then, the actual behaviour of setting, getting, and deleting keys can be deferred back to the class dict.

This is a very common pattern in object-oriented programming: you subclass a class that almost works they way you want, you make some tweaks, and you defer as much work as possible to the parent class.

Here is a possible implementation of a case-insensitive dictionary:

class CaseInsensitiveDict(dict):
    """Case-insensitive dictionary implementation."""

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return dict.__getitem__(self, key.casefold())

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        return dict.__setitem__(self, key.casefold(), value)

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        return dict.__delitem__(self, key.casefold())

This implementation shows the general pattern of using str.casefold and deferring back to dict to do most of the heavy lifting.

As shown before, it works like this:

d = CaseInsensitiveDict()
print(d)  # {}

d["Rodrigo"] = "Rodrigo"
print(d["RODRIGO"])  # Rodrigo
del d["rOdRiGo"]
print(d)  # {}

d["straße"] = "street"
print(d)  # {'strasse': "STREET"}

Here is an extra challenge (not an easy one!): can you implement a case-insensitive dictionary that stores keys with their original casing, rather than with the casefolded casing?1 After you do that, run this code:

d = CaseInsensitiveDict()
print(d)  # {}

d["Rodrigo"] = "Rodrigo"
print(d)  # {'Rodrigo': 'Rodrigo'}
print(d["RODRIGO"])  # Rodrigo
del d["rOdRiGo"]
print(d)  # {}

d["straße"] = "street"
print(d)  # {'straße' : 'street'}
print(d)  # {'straße': "STREET"}

How to implement a case-insensitive set in Python

To implement a case-insensitive dictionary in Python, we need to use the string method str.casefold whenever we manipulate elements of the set, for example:

  • when adding a new element with set.add;
  • when removing/discarding elements with set.remove/set.discard; or
  • when checking if an element is in the set with value in set.

To exemplify how this could be done, let us implement a CaseInsensitiveClass that can add items, remove items, and check for item membership, in a case-insensitive way.

This is what the class will be able to do:

class CaseInsensitiveSet(set):
    # ...

s = CaseInsensitiveSet()


print(s)  # CaseInsensitiveSet({'rodrigo', 'mathspp'})
print("RODRIGO" in s)  # True

s.discard("MaThSpP")  # Try to remove "mathspp"
print(s)  # CaseInsensitiveSet({'rodrigo'})

s.discard("mathspp")  # Try to remove "mathspp"
print(s)  # CaseInsensitiveSet({'rodrigo'})

s.remove("rodrigo")  # Remove "rodrigo" and error if not present
print(s)  # CaseInsensitiveSet({'mathspp'})

To implement the class CaseInsensitiveSet, we will follow an approach that is very similar to the one employed above to implement a case-insensitive dictionary. We just need to be aware that an expression like value in set depends on the dunder method __contains__.

We will inherit from the built-in set and we will override the methods that we are interested in. Then, we just need to use the string method str.casefold before deferring to the original methods that do value insertion/removal/membership testing.

Here is an example implementation of the class CaseInsensitiveSet:

class CaseInsensitiveSet(set):
    def add(self, value):
        return set.add(self, value.casefold())

    def discard(self, value):
        return set.discard(self, value.casefold())

    def remove(self, value):
        return set.remove(self, value.casefold())

    def __contains__(self, value):
        return set.__contains__(self, value.casefold())

As shown before, it works like this:

s = CaseInsensitiveSet()


print(s)  # CaseInsensitiveSet({'rodrigo', 'mathspp'})
print("RODRIGO" in s)  # True

s.discard("MaThSpP")  # Try to remove "mathspp"
print(s)  # CaseInsensitiveSet({'rodrigo'})

s.discard("mathspp")  # Try to remove "mathspp"
print(s)  # CaseInsensitiveSet({'rodrigo'})

s.remove("rodrigo")  # Remove "rodrigo" and error if not present
print(s)  # CaseInsensitiveSet({'mathspp'})

This class has a shortcoming, though. Because it inherits from set, it defines all the methods that set defines. For example, you could try adding multiple values to a CaseInsensitiveSet with the method set.update:

s = CaseInsensitiveSet()

    ["Rodrigo", "rodrigo", "RODRIGO"]

print(s)  # ?

What is the output of running the code above? Here it is:

print(s)  # CaseInsensitiveSet({'RODRIGO', 'Rodrigo', 'rodrigo'})

What is the problem here? The problem is that we didn't override set.update with CaseInsensitiveSet, so our code uses the regular set.update method that doesn't care about the casing of strings.

In case you are wondering, the issue with our implementation of CaseInsensitiveDict is not as obvious, but it is essentially the same thing.

To fix this, you have one of three options:

  1. you implement all of the set methods in CaseInsensitiveSet;
  2. you prevent the user from calling methods that are defined in set but aren't in CaseInsensitiveSet; or
  3. you don't inherit from set directly.

A possible approach for 3. could look like this:

class CaseInsensitiveSet2:
    def __init__(self):
        self._set = set()

    def add(self, value):
        return self._set.add(value.casefold())

    def discard(self, value):
        return self._set.discard(value.casefold())

    def remove(self, value):
        return self._set.remove(value.casefold())

    def __contains__(self, value):
        return value in self._set

This might look very similar to what we had before, but running the same example shows one immediate difference:

s = CaseInsensitiveSet2()


print(s)  # <__main__.CaseInsensitiveSet object at 0x000001D87F6FBCD0>
print("RODRIGO" in s)  # True

print(s)  # <__main__.CaseInsensitiveSet object at 0x000001D87F6FBCD0>

print(s)  # <__main__.CaseInsensitiveSet object at 0x000001D87F6FBCD0>

print(s)  # <__main__.CaseInsensitiveSet object at 0x000001D87F6FBCD0>

The contents of the internal _set are correct but, on the outside, we get this weird output because we didn't implement neither the dunder method __str__ nor the dunder method __repr__.

Similarly, we wouldn't be able to iterate over instances of CaseInsensitiveSet2 without implementing the appropriate methods, whereas CaseInsensitiveSet inherited that behaviour from set.

All in all, I just want you to be mindful of the different implications of each alternative.


To conclude, the string method str.casefold exists to allow you to do case-insensitive operations and to work in caseless scenarios. In particular, working with the string methods str.lower or str.upper may fail if you are working with characters other than the ASCII letters.

Finally, the method str.casefold can power many interesting applications and you saw how to use str.casefold to implement:

  1. Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts, drop me an email, or tweet at me @mathsppblog. 

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