mathspp blog

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Today I learned that the hash of an integer is the integer itself, except for -1. The hash of -1 is -2.

This article walks through the code used to animate a tree fractal.

Today I learned how to allow my custom objects to be unpacked into keyword arguments like '**kwargs'.

Reverse-engineering the program from “Chronospatial Computer”, day 17 of Advent of Code 2024.

Today I learned how to use the Polars function pl.date_range to create date sequences with calendar-aware intervals between dates.

Solving “Bridge Repair”, from day 7 of Advent of Code 2024, in 4ms with Python with a simple deductive algorithm.

Today I learned how to use shell scripting to activate my virtual environment automatically when I change directories.

In this article I show how I wrote a parser to parse TXRX files into a more manageable object in Python.

Today I learned about the behaviour of asyncio.gather.

Today I learned about 5 useful pytest options that let me control what tests to run with respect to failing tests.

This article goes over the content I taught at the world's largest programming lesson that broke a Guinness World Record with 1668 students.

This article outlines the steps I follow to prepare my technical talks, including notes on slide design, engaging with the audience, how to prepare the delivery, and how to manage the Q&A.

Today I learned how to call a makefile from within another makefile.

The function random.shuffle relies on the mutability of the argument and mutability is a pain in the arse, so we propose an alternative.

Can you solve this crossword where all hints are regular expressions?

This article outlines how I use a pre-commit hook and cog to keep my blog stats updated automatically.

The dunder method __new__ is used to customise object creation and is a core stepping stone in understanding metaprogramming in Python.

This article shows how you can create a case-insensitive string class using some basic meta programming with the dunder method __new__.

This article briefly describes the iterators available in the Python module itertools and how to use them.

Today I learned how to debug the new Python REPL with _pyrepl.trace and the environment variable PYREPL_TRACE.