In this Pydon't we conclude the slicing trilogy and
take a look at the inner workings of Python slicing,
from the built-in slice
type to the dunder method
and its siblings.
(If you are new here and have no idea what a Pydon't is, you may want to read the Pydon't Manifesto.)
We have written two Pydon'ts already on sequence slicing:
Those two Pydon'ts taught you almost everything there is to know about sequence slicing, but there is something that we will only take a look at today:
If you don't really know how sequence slicing works, you might want to take a look at the Pydon'ts I linked above. In particular, the Pydon't on mastering sequence slicing can really help you take your Python slicing skills to the next level.
Without further ado, let us begin!
classI don't know if you know this, but Python has, in its amazing documentation,
a section devoted to its built-in functions.
In there, you can find things like bool
, enumerate
, or len
If you take a look at the built-in functions that start with “s”,
you will find
in there!
Taking a look at the docs about slice
, we find it shows up in a way
that is similar to int
or str
, which means that a slice
a type of object we can have in our programs:
much like int(3)
creates an integer 3
or str(3)
creates a string "3"
creates a slice:
>>> print(slice(3))
slice(None, 3, None)
This is the first level of syntactic sugar we are uncovering in this Pydon't:
Python uses these slice
objects when we write things like s[2::3]
But first, let us explore the slice
objects a bit more.
If we read the docs, or if we play around with the slice
built-in enough,
we find out that this object stores the slicing parameters that
we repeatedly talked about in the previous Pydon'ts.
These parameters are the start, stop, and step, parameters of the slice,
and the docs tell us that we can access them:
>>> sl = slice(1, 12, 3)
>>> sl.start
>>> sl.stop
>>> sl.step
However, we cannot modify them:
>>> sl = slice(None, 3, None)
>>> print(sl.start)
>>> sl.start = 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: readonly attribute
Another really important thing here lies in noting that this relationship that I tried
to make apparent, between slicing and sets of indices specified by range
isn't just coincidental.
No, the documentation specifically says that slice(start, stop, step)
represents the indices
specified by range(start, stop, step)
This is why it is so helpful to understand the relationship between doing s[start:stop:step]
and something (much!) more verbose that makes use of a for
loop and the corresponding range
>>> s = "Slicing is easy!"
>>> print(s[1:15:3])
li s
>>> start, stop, step = 1, 15, 3
>>> result = ""
>>> for idx in range(start, stop, step):
... result += s[idx]
>>> print(result)
li s
We have seen that we can create explicit slice
objects, but can we use them..?
Of course we can!
I have been talking about syntactic sugar, and this is where it shows up:
writing s[start:stop:step]
or s[sl]
, where sl
is the appropriate slice,
is the same thing!
Here are two examples of this:
>>> s = "Slicing is easy!"
>>> s[1:15:2]
'lcn ses'
>>> sl = slice(1, 15, 2)
>>> s[sl]
'lcn ses'
>>> s[2::3]
>>> sl = slice(2, None, 3)
>>> s[sl]
Notice how, in the example above, we use None
, when creating a slice
in order to specify an implicit slicing parameter,
such as the omitted stop parameter in the slice s[2::3]
that would go between the two colons.
By the way, careful with naming your slice
The most obvious name is slice
, but if you create a slice
with that name then you will have a hard time creating other
objects because you will overwrite the name of the built-in type.
This is also why you shouldn't name your strings str
or your integers int
We have seen that slice
objects can be used to extract slices
from sequences in the same way as when we use the syntactic sugar
with the colons...
But how, exactly, are these things used to extract elements from sequences?
Tangent to this question, how would I implement slicing capabilities
in my own objects?
The answer lies in the __getitem__
dunder method.
Recall that “dunder” is short for “double underscore”,
the common name that Python gives to methods that start
and end with two underscores, which generally indicate
that the method has to do with the inner workings of Python.
We have seen other dunder methods in the Pydon'ts about
and repr
and about
Truthy, Falsy, and bool
The __getitem__
dunder method is the method that is called,
behind the scenes, when you try to access indices or slices.
An empirical verification of this is very easy to perform:
we'll just create a new class, called S
that will be wrapping the built-in strings,
and intercept the __getitem__
>>> class S(str):
... def __getitem__(self, idx):
... print("Inside __getitem__")
... # Just let the built-in string handle indexing:
... return super().__getitem__(idx)
>>> s = S("Slicing is easy!")
>>> s[3]
Inside __getitem__
>>> s[1::2]
Inside __getitem__
'lcn ses!'
This shows that the __getitem__
method is the one that is responsible
for indexing sequences.
The line that starts with super()
is letting the built-in
class handle the indexing for us,
given that our goal was just to verify that the __getitem__
method is called.
Now, instead of just printing an irrelevant message, we could actually print the index (or slice!) that is about to be used:
>>> class S(str):
... def __getitem__(self, idx):
... print(f"The argument was: {idx}")
... # Just let the built-in string handle indexing:
... return super().__getitem__(idx)
>>> s = S("Slicing is easy!")
>>> s[3]
The argument was: 3
>>> s[1::2]
The argument was: slice(1, None, 2)
'lcn ses!'
As you can see above, we tried slicing the string with s[1::2]
and that was converted to slice(1, None, 2)
by the time
it got to the __getitem__
This shows the two bits of syntactic sugar going on:
using the colon syntax for slices, start:stop:step
is just syntactic sugar for creating an explicit slice
and using brackets []
to index/slice is just syntactic sugar
for a call to the __getitem__
>>> s = "Slicing is easy!"
>>> s[1::3]
'li s'
>>> s.__getitem__(slice(1, None, 3))
'li s'
This shows that you can use indexing/slicing in your own custom
objects if you implement the __getitem__
method for your own objects.
I will show you an example of this below.
In the Pydon't about mastering sequence slicing
we also saw how to do slicing assignment and how to delete
slices of sequences.
To do that in your own objects you have to deal with the
and __delitem__
whose signature is similar to __getitem__
Just take a look at the docs if you want to learn
more about these methods or if you are looking at implementing
custom classes that emulate built-in container types.
I would like to point out another cool thing that you can find
if you dig “deep” enough in the documentation (see here),
or that you probably already encountered if you use other
modules like numpy
or pandas
This “thing” is the fact that you can write several indices/slices
if you separate them by commas.
Syntactically, that is perfectly valid. That is, you can write something like that and Python will accept it. However, Python's built-in types do not support multiple indexing or slicing, so the built-in types do end up screaming at you:
>>> s = "Slicing is easy!"
>>> s[1, 2, 3, 4:16:2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: string indices must be integers
Python complained, but not about the syntax.
It is strings that cannot handle the indices,
and the extra slice,
that you gave to the __getitem__
Compare this with an actual SyntaxError
>>> for in range(10):
File "<stdin>", line 1
for in range(10):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I couldn't even change lines to continue my make-believe
loop, Python outright complained about the syntax being wrong.
However, in your custom objects, you can add support for multiple indexing/slicing:
>>> class Seq:
... def __getitem__(self, idx):
... print(idx)
>>> s = Seq()
>>> s[1, 2, 3, 4:16:2]
(1, 2, 3, slice(4, 16, 2))
As you can see, the multiple indices and slices get packed into a tuple,
which is then passed in to __getitem__
We have taken a look at how slices work under the hood, and also took a sneak peek at how regular indexing works, and now we will go through a couple of examples in code where these things could be helpful.
Bear in mind that it is likely that you won't be using explicit
objects in your day-to-day code.
The scarcity of usage examples of slice
in the
Python Standard Library backs my claim.
Most usages of slice
I found were for testing other objects'
implementations, and then I found a couple (literally two)
usages in the xml
module, but to be completely honest
with you, I did not understand why they were being used!
(Do let me know if you can explain to me what is happening there!)
The first example we will be using is from the itertools
The islice
function can be used to slice into an iterator,
much like regular slicing, with two key differences:
does not work with negative parameters; andislice
works with generic iterables,
which is the main reason why islice
is useful.Iterables and generators are fascinating things in Python and there will be future Pydon'ts on this subject. Stay tuned for those.
Without going into too much detail about the iterables,
let me show you a clear example of when regular slicing
doesn't work but islice
>>> f = lambda x: x # function that returns its input.
>>> f(3)
>>> f([1, 2, "Hey"])
[1, 2, 'Hey']
>>> s = "Slicing is easy!"
>>> s[2::3]
>>> m = map(f, s) # `m` is an iterable with the characters from `s`.
>>> m[2::3] # regular slicing doesn't work...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'map' object is not subscriptable
>>> import itertools
>>> for char in itertools.islice(m, 2, None, 3):
... print(char)
The example above just shows that islice
works in some
situations where regular slicing with [start:stop:step]
The documentation for islice
provides an approximate Python implementation
of islice
(the actual function is written in C):
# From, on the 18th of May 2021
def islice(iterable, *args):
# (Some comments removed for brevity...)
s = slice(*args)
start, stop, step = s.start or 0, s.stop or sys.maxsize, s.step or 1
it = iter(range(start, stop, step))
# (Code sliced for brevity, pun much intended.)
# ...
In the example above, the slice
object is being used
just as an utility to map the arguments given to islice
as the parameters that need to go into the range
in the third code line of the example.
Another noteworthy thing is the line that assigns to
start, stop, step
with the or
The or
is being used to assign default values to the parameters,
in case the original argument as None
>>> start = 4 # If `start` has a value,
>>> start or 0 # then we get that value.
>>> start = None # However, if `start` is `None`,
>>> start or 0 # then we get the default value of `0`.
# Similarly for the `stop` and `step` parameters;
# here is another example with `stop`:
>>> import sys
>>> stop = 4
>>> stop or sys.maxsize
>>> stop = None
>>> stop or sys.maxsize
The short-circuiting capabilities of the or
(and also of the and
) will be discussed in detail
in a later Pydon't, don't worry!
To conclude this example, we see that slice
can be useful
in the niche use-case of dispatching range
-like arguments
to their correct positions, because you can read the parameters
off of a slice
In this example I will be showing you a simple example implementation of a custom object that supports slicing. For that, we will implement a class for the concept of geometric progression (see Wikipedia): a progression that is defined by two parameters:
; andr
.The first number of the progression is s
and each subsequent item is just r
times the previous one.
Here is how you would create the skeleton for such a concept:
class GeometricProgression:
def __init__(self, start, ratio):
self.start = start
self.ratio = ratio
def __str__(self):
return f"GeometricProgression({self.start}, {self.ratio})"
gp = GeometricProgression(1, 3)
print(gp) # prints GeometricProgression(1, 3)
Now, geometric progressions have infinite terms, so we cannot
really just generate “all terms” of the progression and return them
in a list or something like that, so if we want to support
indexing and/or slicing, we need to do something else...
We need to implement __getitem__
Let us implement __getitem__
in such a way that it returns a list
with all the elements that the user tried to fetch:
import sys
class GeometricProgression:
def __init__(self, start, ratio):
self.start = start
self.ratio = ratio
def __str__(self):
return f"GeometricProgression({self.start}, {self.ratio})"
def nth(self, n):
"""Compute the n-th term of the progression, 0-indexed."""
return self.start*pow(self.ratio, n)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if isinstance(idx, int):
return self.nth(idx)
elif isinstance(idx, slice):
start, stop, step = idx.start or 0, idx.stop or sys.maxsize, idx.step or 1
return [self.nth(n) for n in range(start, stop, step)]
raise TypeError("Geo. progression indices should be integers or slices.")
gp = GeometricProgression(1, 3)
print(gp[0]) # prints 1
print(gp[1]) # prints 3
print(gp[2]) # prints 9
print(gp[0:3]) # prints [1, 3, 9]
print(gp[1:10:3]) # prints [3, 81, 2187]
As you can see, our implementation already supports slicing and indexing, but we can take this just a little bit further, and add support for multiple indices/slices with ease:
import sys
class GeometricProgression:
def __init__(self, start, ratio):
self.start = start
self.ratio = ratio
def __str__(self):
return f"GeometricProgression({self.start}, {self.ratio})"
def nth(self, n):
"""Compute the n-th term of the progression, 0-indexed."""
return self.start*pow(self.ratio, n)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
if isinstance(idx, int):
return self.nth(idx)
elif isinstance(idx, slice):
start, stop, step = idx.start or 0, idx.stop or sys.maxsize, idx.step or 1
return [self.nth(n) for n in range(start, stop, step)]
elif isinstance(idx, tuple):
return [self.__getitem__(sub_idx) for sub_idx in idx]
raise TypeError("Geo. progression indices should be integers or slices.")
gp = GeometricProgression(1, 3)
print(gp[0, 1, 4]) # prints [1, 3, 81]
print(gp[0:2, 0:2, 1, 0:2]) # prints [[1, 3], [1, 3], 3, [1, 3]]
And that is it, this shows you a (simple) working example of how you could define indexing and slicing into your own objects.
You can find this simple implementation on GitHub, in case you need it.
Here's the main takeaway of this Pydon't, for you, on a silver platter:
“Sequence slicing hides two layers of syntactic sugar for you, but you do need to know about them if you want to write custom objects that support indexing and/or slicing.”
This Pydon't showed you that:
type in Python;[start:stop:step]
is just syntactic sugar for slice(start, stop, step)
;slice(start, stop, step)
represents the indices of range(start, stop, step)
to index/slice into seq
you actually call the __getitem__
method of seq
, __setitem__
, and __delitem__
, are the three methods that you would
need in custom objects to emulate indexing, indexing assignment and indexing deletion;itertools.islice
can be used with iterables, whereas plain slicing cannot; andIf you liked this Pydon't be sure to leave a reaction below and share this with your friends and fellow Pythonistas. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss a single Pydon't!
The next cohort of the Intermediate Python Course starts soon.
Grab your spot now and learn the Python skills you've been missing!
, [last accessed 18-05-2021];slice
, [last accessed 18-05-2021];itertools
, islice
, [18-05-2021];