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The 10th article of this series adds support for elif and else statements.

In the 9th part of this series of building a Python compiler and interpreter we will add support for Boolean operators and Boolean short-circuiting.

In the 8th part of this series of building a Python compiler and interpreter we will add support for Boolean literals and Boolean operators.

In the 7th part of this series of building a Python compiler and interpreter we will add support for if statements.

In the 6th part of this series of building a Python compiler and interpreter we will add support for variables, simple assignments, and chained assignments.

In the 5th part of this series of building a Python compiler and interpreter we will add support for multiple statements in our program.

In the 4th part of this series of building a Python compiler and interpreter we will add support for more arithmetic operations and parenthesised expressions.

In the third part of this series of building a Python compiler and interpreter we will make our parser, compiler, and interpreter, much more flexible with the visitor pattern.

In the second part of this series of building a Python compiler and interpreter we will improve the support of numbers.

In this tutorial series we will build a Python compiler and interpreter from scratch. We start with simple arithmetic expressions.