mathspp blog

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"Pydon'ts" are short, to-the-point, meaningful Python programming tips. Pydon'ts will help you write more Pythonic code.

In this blog post I'll show you how you can write a full interpreter for the brainf*ck programming language in just 14 lines of Python. Be prepared, however, to see some unconventional Python code!

In this blog post we will go over some significant changes, from implementing APL's array model to introducing dyadic operators!

The 2020 APL programming competition was tough! In this post I share a couple of thoughts and my solutions.

If there's one thing I like about Python is how I can use it to automate boring tasks for me. Today I used it to help me manage my own blog!

The 24 Game is a well-known maths game that is played with kids in school to help them master the four basic arithmetic operations. In this blog post we will study the game in depth.

Today is the day! Today is the day we take our APL programs and interpret them, so that something like ÷ 1 2 3 -⍨ 1.1 2.2 3.3 can output 10 5 3.33333333.

Let's build a simple APL interpreter! APL is an array-oriented programming language I picked up recently. The ease with which I can write code related to mathematics, its strange built-ins (which look like , , or ) and the fact that it is executed from right to left make it a fresh learning experience!

This post gives the source code for a small Haskell program that finds if a formula is a tautology.

This post gives you the code to mess around with "Tupper's self-referential formula", a formula that plots itself.

I have always loved solving mazes... so naturally I had to write a program to solve mazes for me!

HueHue is a very colourful game I wrote with my colleague @inesfmarques.

Can you measure exactly \(2\)L of water with two plain buckets with volumes of \(14\)L and \(5\)L? Of course you can!

Here's how I like to solve my equations: just walk around randomly until I trip over a solution!

Think of a drunk man that continuously tumbles left and right, back and forth, with no final destination.

Progress is great and new things are always exciting... but that doesn't mean old things don't have any value!

The filled Julia set is a really cool fractal that kind of resembles the Mandelbrot set!

Run on

This blog post tells the short story of how I wrote a simple interpreter for a toy programming language!

This blog post has a single purpose, which is to show you the weird game I made, inspired by Flappy Bird and my crazy English teacher.

I have always liked the concept of fractal. They are very beautiful, they have a notion of infinity embedded in them, and they make no sense (seriously though, self-similarity?). How could they not be loved?