The purpose of this Pydon't is to show you what underscores are used for in Python, and to show you how to write more idiomatic code with them.

A Python code snippet that shows the use of the underscore in the session.

(If you are new here and have no idea what a Pydon't is, you may want to read the Pydon't Manifesto.)


In this Pydon't we will take a look at all the use cases there are for _ in Python. There are a couple of places where _ has a very special role syntactically, and we will talk about those places. We will also talk about the uses of _ that are just conventions people follow, and that allow one to write more idiomatic code.

In this Pydon't, you will:

  • learn about the utility of _ in the Python REPL;
  • learn what _ does when used as a prefix and/or suffix of a variable name:
    • a single underscore used as a suffix;
    • a single underscore used as a prefix;
    • double underscore used as a prefix;
    • double underscore used as a prefix and suffix;
  • see the idiomatic usage of _ as a “sink” in assignments;
  • and understand how that was extended to _'s role in the new match statement;
  • see the idiomatic usage of _ in localising strings; and
  • learn how to use _ to make your numbers more readable.

Recovering last result in the session

Have you ever called a slow function in the Python session and then lost the return value because you forgot to assign it to a variable? I know I have done that countless times! Because of people like (you and) me, someone made the best decision ever, and decided that _ can be used in the Python session to refer to the last return result:

>>> 1 + 1
>>> _
>>> sum(range(100_000_000))     # Takes a couple of seconds to finish.
>>> _
>>> save_for_later = _
>>> save_for_later

This prevents you from having to re-run the previous line of code, which is especially helpful if the previous line of code takes some time to finish, if it had side-effects that you don't want to trigger again, or even if it can't be re-run (e.g. because you deleted a file or because you exhausted an iterable).

So, next time you are playing around in the interpreter session and forget to assign the result of a function call, or some other piece of code, remember to use _ to refer back to it.

Notice that if you explicitly assign to _, then the value you assign will stay there until you explicitly delete it. When you delete it, then _ will go back to referring to the last returned result:

>>> _ = "hey"
>>> "_ was explicitly assigned."
'_ was explicitly assigned.'
>>> _
>>> del _
>>> "_ is no longer explicitly assigned."
'_ is no longer explicitly assigned.'
>>> _
'_ is no longer explicitly assigned.'

Prefixes and suffixes for variable names

Single underscore as a suffix

As you know, some words have a special meaning in Python, and are therefore dubbed as keywords. This means we cannot use those names for our variables. Similarly, Python defines a series of built-in functions that are generally very useful and ideally we would like to avoid using variable names that match those built-in names.

However, there are occasions in which the perfect variable name is either one of those keywords or one of those built-in functions. In those cases, it is common to use a single _ as a suffix to prevent clashes.

For example, in statistics, there is a random distribution called the “exponential distribution” that depends on a numeric parameter, and that parameter is typically called “lambda” in the mathematical literature. So, when random decided to implement that distribution in random.expovariate, they would ideally like to use the word lambda as the parameter to random.expovariate, but lambda is a reserved keyword and that would throw an error:

>>> def expovariate(lambda):
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    def expovariate(lambda):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Instead, they could have named the parameter lambda_. (The implementers ended up going with lambd, however.)

There are many examples in the Python Standard Library where the implementers opted for the trailing underscore. For example, in the code for IDLE (the IDE that comes by default with Python and that is implemented fully in Python) you can find this function:

# From Lib/idlelib/ in Python 3.9.2
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
    "Handle starttags in help.html."
    class_ = ''
    for a, v in attrs:
        if a == 'class':
            class_ = v
    # Truncated for brevity...

Notice the class_ variable that is defined and updated inside the loop. “class” would be the obvious variable name here because we are dealing with HTML classes, but class is a reserved keyword that we use to define, well, classes... And that's why we use class_ here!

Single underscore as prefix

While the usage of a single underscore as a suffix was more or less a convention, the usage of a single underscore as a prefix is both a convention and something that affects some Python programs.

Let me start by explaining the convention: when you define a name that starts with a single underscore, you are letting other programmers know that such a name refers to something that is for internal use only, and that outside users shouldn't mess around with.

For example, suppose that you are implementing a framework for online shops, and you are now writing the part of the code that will fetch the price of an item. You could write a little function like so:

prices = {
    "jeans": 20,
    "tshirt": 10,
    "dress": 30,

def get_price(item):
    return prices.get(item, None)

Now, shops nowadays can't do business without having sales from time to time, so you add a parameter to your function os that you can apply discounts:

def get_price(item, discount=0):
    p = prices.get(item, None)
    if p is not None:
        return (1 - discount)*p
        return p

Now all is good, except you think it might be a good idea to validate the discount that the function is trying to apply, so that discounts are never negative or greater than \(100\%\). You could do that in the main function, or you can devise a helper function to do that for you, probably because you will need to verify that discount amounts are correct in a variety of places.

So, you write your helper function:

def valid_discount(discount):
    return 0 <= discount <= 1

By the way, if you want to learn more about the fact that Python allows the chaining of comparisons, like what you see above, you can read this Pydon't on the subject.

Now you have a way to validate discounts and you can use that:

def get_price(item, discount=0):
    if not valid_discount(discount):
        raise ValueError(f"Trying to apply an illegal discount on {item}.")
    p = prices.get(item, None)
    if p is not None:
        return (1 - discount)*p
        return p

Perfect! The codebase for your online shop management framework is well on its way.

Now imagine, for a second, that you are a user of your framework, and not an implementer. You will probably install the framework from PyPI, with pip, or maybe directly from GitHub. But when you do, and when you import the code to start using it, you will import the get_price and the valid_discount functions. Now, you need the get_price function but you don't need the valid_discount because the whole framework already protects the user from illegal discounts and negative prices and whatnot! In other words, the valid_discount function is more relevant to the internals of the framework than to users of the framework. Except the user probably doesn't know that, because the user sees the valid_discount function and it is fair to assume that the user will think they have to use that function to validate discounts for themselves... How could they know they don't need to?

One solution would be for you to follow the convention we just started discussing! If you name your function just a tad differently:

def _valid_discount(discount):
    return 0 <= discount <= 1

The user of the framework immediately understands “oh, I don't have to worry about this function because its name starts with a single underscore”. Not only that, but Python even helps users not worry about those functions with leading underscores.

Go ahead and write the following in your file:

def _valid_discount(discount):
    return 0 <= discount <= 1

prices = {
    "jeans": 20,
    "tshirt": 10,
    "dress": 30,

def get_price(item, discount=0):
    if not _valid_discount(discount):
        raise ValueError(f"Trying to apply an illegal discount on {item}.")
    p = prices.get(item, None)
    if p is not None:
        return (1 - discount)*p
        return p

After you do that, open your Python REPL, import everything from onlineshop and try getting some prices and discounts:

>>> from onlineshop import *
>>> get_price("jeans")
>>> get_price("jeans", discount=0.5)
>>> get_price("jeans", discount=1.3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\rodri\Documents\mathspp\", line 13, in get_price
    raise ValueError(f"Trying to apply an illegal discount on {item}.")
ValueError: Trying to apply an illegal discount on jeans.

Notice how both functions appear to be working just fine, and notice that we got an error on the last call because 1.3 is too big of a discount, so the _valid_discount function said it wasn't valid.

Let us check it for ourselves:

>>> _valid_discount(1.3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name '_valid_discount' is not defined

We get a NameError because the _valid_discount function isn't defined... Because it was never imported! The function was not imported into your code, even though the original code can still use it internally. If you really need to access _valid_discount, then you either import it explicitly, or you just import the module name and then access it with its dotted name:

>>> from onlineshop import _valid_discount
>>> _valid_discount(0.5)
>>> import onlineshop
>>> onlineshop._valid_discount(1.3)

This mechanism also works with the variables, as long as their name starts with a leading underscore. Go ahead and rename the prices variable to _prices, close the REPL, open it again, and run from onlineshop import *. _prices will not be defined!

So, on the one hand, notice that a leading underscore really is an indication of what things you should and shouldn't be concerned with when using code written by others. On the other hand, the leading underscore is just an indication, and it won't prevent others from accessing the names that you write with a leading underscore.

Finally, there is one other way of controlling what gets imported when someone uses the * to import everything from your module: you can use the __all__ variable to specify the names that should be imported on that occasion.

Go ahead and add the following line to the top of your file:

__all__ = ("get_price", "_valid_discount")

After you do that, close your REPL and reopen it:

>>> from onlineshop import *
>>> get_price
<function get_price at 0x0000029410907430>
>>> _valid_discount
<function _valid_discount at 0x0000029410907280>
>>> prices
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'prices' is not defined

Notice that all the names inside __all__ were imported, regardless of them starting with a single underscore or not, and the names that were not listed did not get included. In my example, my variable was named prices (so it didn't even have a leading underscore!) and it was not imported.

This __all__ variable is the perfect segue into the next subsection:

Leading and trailing double underscores

In Python, a name that starts and ends with double underscores is a name that has internal relevance to Python. For example, many functions like __str__, __repr__, __bool__ , and __init__, are sometimes referred to as “magic” functions because they interact, in some way, with Python's “internal” functioning.

A better name for these magic functions and variables is “dunder function”, or “dunder variable”, or “dunder method”, depending on the context. (The word “dunder” – a common word in the Python world – is short for "double underscore"!)

However, these dunder names are not really magical: they are just functions. (Or variables, just like __all__.) What you can know is that when you find a name that starts and ends with a double underscore, chances are, it is a name that interacts with Python's syntax in some way.

For example, what calling the str built-in function with some argument do is exactly the same as calling the __str__ function of that same argument:

>>> n = 3
>>> str(n)
>>> n.__str__()

Of course writing str(n) looks much nicer than n.__str__(), but this just tells you that if you define your own objects, you need to implement the __str__ method so that your objects can be given as arguments to the str built-in. (I wrote about str, __str__, repr, and __repr__ in more detail here, so give that Pydon't a read if you need.)

So, in conclusion, double leading and trailing underscores are used for functions and variables with some “special” meaning that often has to do with the default Python behaviour.

Don't use (create) dunder names in your own programs, so that you don't trip on something unexpected and to avoid collisions with future changes/additions to the Python language!

Double leading underscore

In this subsection we will take a look at what happens when you use a double underscore in the beginning of a name. A double underscore, in the beginning of a name, has a special use case: you use it for variables and methods that you would wish to “protect” with the leading underscore (so that users know to leave it alone) but that have such common names that you are afraid others might overwrite them.

What does this mean?

First, let us see this in action. Modify the file so that our code now belongs to a class called OnlineShop:

class OnlineShop:
    __prices = {
        "jeans": 20,
        "tshirt": 10,
        "dress": 30,

    def _valid_discount(self, discount):
        return 0 <= discount <= 1

    def get_price(self, item, discount=0):
        if not self._valid_discount(discount):
            raise ValueError(f"Trying to apply an illegal discount on {item}.")
        p = self.__prices.get(item, None)
        if p is not None:
            return (1 - discount)*p
            return p

Notice that the prices variable now is __prices. Let us take this little class for a spin:

>>> from onlineshop import OnlineShop as OS
>>> shop = OS()
>>> shop.get_price("jeans")

The code appears to be working, so now let us take a look at the __prices variable:

>>> shop.__prices
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'OnlineShop' object has no attribute '__prices'

Uh oh, an error again! We can't reach the __prices variable, even though the get_price method clearly makes (successful!) use of it. Why can't we reach the __prices variable? Well, we can use the dir() built-in to list all the attributes of our shop object:

>>> dir(shop)
['_OnlineShop__prices', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__',
'__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__',
'__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__',
'__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__',
'__weakref__', '_valid_discount', 'get_price']

Go ahead and look for the names of the things we defined. Can you find the _valid_discount and get_price functions? What about __prices? You won't be able to find __prices in that list, but the very first item of the list is _OnlineShop__prices, which looks awfully related.

Remember when I said that a double leading underscore is used to avoid name collisions? Well, there's a high chance that people might want to create a variable named prices if they extend your online shop framework, and you might still need your original prices variable, so you have two options:

  • give a huge, very complicated, name to your prices variable, so that it becomes highly unlikely that others will create a variable with the same name; or
  • you use __prices to ask Python to mangle the variable name, to avoid future collisions.

Going with the second option meant that Python took the original variable name, which was __prices, and prepended the class name to it, plus an additional leading underscore, so that users still know they should leave that name alone. That is the explicit name you can use to reach that variable from outside the class:

>>> shop._OnlineShop__prices
{'jeans': 20, 'tshirt': 10, 'dress': 30}

This name mangling facility works for both variables and functions, so you could have a __valid_discount method that would look like _OnlineShop__valid_discount from outside of the class, for example.

It is highly likely that you won't have the need to use double leading underscores in your code, but I couldn't just ignore this use case!

Underscore as a sink

One of my favourite use cases for the underscore is when we use the underscore as the target for an assignment. I am talking about the times we use _ as a variable name in an assignment.

It is a widely-spread convention that using _ as a variable name means “I don't care about this value”. Having said this, you should be asking yourself this: If I don't care about a value, why would I assign it in the first place? Excellent question!

Doing something like

_ = 3       # I don't care about this 3.

is silly. Using the underscore as a sink (that is, as the name of a variable that will hold a value that I do not care about) is useful in other situations.


I have written at length about unpacking in other Pydon'ts:

Unpacking is a feature that lets you, well, unpack multiple values into multiple names at once. For example, here is how you would split a list into its first and last items, as well as into the middle part:

>>> first, *mid, last = range(0, 10)
>>> first
>>> mid
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
>>> last

Isn't this neat? Well, it is! But what if you only cared about the first and last items? There are various options, naturally, but I argue that the most elegant one uses _ as a sink for the middle part:

>>> first, *_, last = range(0, 10)
>>> first
>>> last

Why is this better than the alternative below?

>>> sequence = range(0, 10)
>>> first, last = sequence[0], sequence[-1]

Obviously, sequence = range(0, 10) is just an example of a sequence. If I knew in advance this were the sequence I'd be using, then I would assign first = 0 and last = 9 directly. But for generic sequences, the two use cases behave differently.

Can you figure out when? I talk about that in this Pydon't.

The behaviour is different when sequence has only one element. Because they behave differently, there might be cases where you have to use one of the two alternatives, but when you are given the choice, the unpacking looks more elegant and conveys the intent to split the sequence in its parts better.

Of course _ is a valid variable name and you can ask for its value:

>>> first, *_, last = range(0, 10)
>>> _
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

But when I see the *_ in the assignment, I immediately understand the semantics of that assignment as “ignore the middle part of the range”.

This can also be used when you are unpacking some structure, and only care about specific portions of the structure. You could use indexing to access the specific information you want:

>>> colour_info = ("lightyellow", (255, 255, 224))
>>> blue_channel = colour_info[1][2]
>>> blue_channel

But if the colour_info variable is malformed, you will have a hard time figuring that out. Instead, using unpacking, you can assert that the structure is correct and at the same time only access the value(s) that matter:

>>> colour_info = ("lightyellow", (255, 255, 224))
>>> _, (_, _, blue_channel) = colour_info
>>> blue_channel

Iterating independently of the iteration number

Another similar use case shows up when you need to iterate with a for loop, but you really do not care about the iteration number you are in. For example, say that you want to generate 5 random integers between 0 and 20. How would you write that? I would write it as such:

>>> import random
>>> nums = [random.randint(0, 20) for _ in range(5)]
[16, 1, 17, 3, 1]

Why did I use _ in front of for? Because the expression I am running repeatedly does not depend on the iteration count, it is independent of that count. So, in order to convey that meaning more clearly, I use the _ as a sink for the iterator variable.

Again, _ is a perfectly valid variable name and I could use it in the expression itself:

>>> [_ + 2 for _ in range(5)]
[2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

But the point is that using _ as a sink is a convention to make the semantics of your programs more clear.

Matching everything in the new match statement

The new match statement is coming in Python 3.10, and there is much to look forward to. Following the spirit of the common use case of using _ as a sink in assignments, the underscore will also be used in the new match statement as the wildcard that matches “anything else”:

# Needs Python 3.10 to run
>>> v = 10
>>> match v:
...     case 0:
...             print("null")
...     case 1:
...             print("uno")
...     case 2:
...             print("two")
...     case _:
...             print("whatever")

And in the case of the match statement, it is a true sink: you cannot use the _ to refer to the original value, so in the match statement, _ really means “I don't care”! Take a look:

>>> v = 10
>>> match v:
...     case _:
...             print(_)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 3, in <module>
NameError: name '_' is not defined

If you want to match anything else and be able to refer to the original value, then you need to use a valid target name:

>>> v = 10
>>> match v:
...     case wtv:
...             print(wtv)

String localisation

Another niche use case for the underscore, but that I find absolutely lovely, is for when you need to localise your programs. Localising a program means making it suitable for different regions/countries. When you do that, one of the things that you have to do is translate the strings in your program, so that they can be read in many different languages.

How would you implement a mechanism to enable your program to output in (arbitrarily many) different languages? Do think about that for a second, it is a nice challenge! Assume you can't use modules built specifically for localisation.

Whatever you do, for example a function call or accessing a dictionary, is going to happen in various places and is going to generate too much noise. If your program has plenty of strings, going from

print("Hello, world!")


print(translate("Hello, world!"))

may look harmful, but in a program with many strings, all the translate calls will add a lot of visual clutter. So, it is common practice to create an alias to a function like the translate function and call it _. Then, localising a string doesn't add much visual clutter:

print(_("Hello, World!"))

This is just a convention, but it is so common that it is even mentioned in the gettext docs, the documentation for a module designed specifically to help your programs handle multiple (natural) languages.

When I first found this usage of _ I was very confused. I found it when looking at the source code for the argparse module. Because argparse deals with command-line interfaces, it makes sense that its inner-workings are localised, so that its command-line messages match the language of the command-line itself. I still remember the very first time I saw it; I was looking at these two lines:

if prefix is None:
    prefix = _('usage: ')

I was very confused with the _('usage: ') part of the assignment, but eventually I found the import statement in that file:

from gettext import gettext as _, ngettext

And I realised they were setting _ as an alias for gettext.

Improve number readability

The final use case for underscores that we will discuss has to do with improving the readability of numbers.


How much is n below?

>>> n = 99999999

If you thought/said “99 million, 999 thousand and 999”, you got it right.

Now, how much is n now?

>>> n = 100_000_000

Is there any doubt that we are talking about 100 nillion? Using _ as a thousands separator really makes a difference here, and you shouldn't need any more convincing! But I'll just show you a little example from the Python Standard Library. Take a look at the two conditions below, and let me know which one is easier to read.

Without separator:

if not 1000 <= rounds <= 999999999:
    raise ValueError('rounds out of the range 1000 to 999999999')

With separator:

if not 1000 <= rounds <= 999_999_999:
    raise ValueError('rounds out of the range 1000 to 999_999_999')

If you tell me you prefer the first one, go away. I don't want you here any more!

The underscore doesn't have to be the thousands separator, you can use it between any digits you may want. But most importantly, it works with any other bases.

For example, use _ to group bits in binary digits:

>>> thirty_five = 0b0010_0011
>>> forty_seven = 0b0010_1111

Or maybe to separate the R, G, and B channels of the hexadecimal value of a colour:

>>> lightyellow = 0xff_ff_e0
>>> peachpuff   = 0xff_da_b9    # I didn't invent this name!


Here's the main takeaway of this Pydon't, for you, on a silver platter:

Coding conventions exist to make our lives easier, so it is worth learning them to make our code more expressive and idiomatic.

This Pydon't showed you that:

  • you can recover the last value of an expression in the Python REPL with _;
  • _ has quite an impact on names when used as a prefix/suffix:
    • name_ is a common choice for when name is a reserved keyword;
    • _name is a convention to signal that name is an internal name and that users probably shouldn't mess with it;
      • _name won't be imported if someone uses a from mymodule import * wildcard import; and
      • this can be overriden if _name is added to the __all__ list in mymodule.
    • dunder names (that start and end with double underscore) refer to Python's internals and allow you to interact with Python's syntax;
    • __name is used inside classes to prevent name collisions, when you want to use an internal variable with a name that you are afraid users might override by mistake;
  • _ is used in an idiomatic fashion as a sink in assignments, especially
    • when unpacking several values, when only some are of interest;
    • when iterating in a for loop where we don't care about the iteration number;
  • the new match statement uses _ as the “match all” case and makes it a true sink because _ can't be used to access the original value;
  • _ is often used as an alias for localisation functions because of its low visual impact;
  • numbers in different bases (decimal, binary, ...) can have their digits split by underscores to improve readability. For example, compare 99999999 with 999_999_999 with 999999999.

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