The TIL series of articles contains very short articles documenting something I learned “today”.
Today I learned how to order the values of a dictionary according to an iterable of keys.
Today I learned how to create git aliases in my .gitconfig
Today I learned how to get the size of the terminal your code is running on.
Today I learned how to automatically push code changes while I'm doing live coding, for example while teaching.
Today I learned how to use named tuples to improve readability and flexibility of test parametrisations in pytest.
Today I learned about the parameter match
used in pytest.raises
Today I learned how to use the dunder method __init_subclass__
to be notified when a class is subclassed.
Today I learned how to issue user warnings like DeprecationWarnings or SyntaxWarnings.
Yesterday I spent the whole day tryint to patch a module global. This is what I ended up with.
Today I learned how to automatically delete local git branches that have been merged already.
Today I learned how many soft keywords Python has and what they are.
Today I learned that the underscore _
is a soft keyword in Python.
Today I learned that you can run custom Python code when Python starts-up, before running other scripts or programs.
Today I learned that Python and other programming languages have negative zero, -0.0.
Today I learned about the Python 3.12 type statement you can use to create type aliases.
Today I learned how to create a sentinel value to use as a default argument in a way that respects Python typing.
Today I learned that the largest file ever published to PyPI has 20 MILLION lines of code.
Today I learned how to find the commits that affected a specific file with git log
Today I learned how to draw a Bézier curve with the De Casteljau's algorithm.