TIL (Today I Learned)

The TIL series of articles contains very short articles documenting something I learned “today”.

Today I learned how to create a sentinel value to use as a default argument in a way that respects Python typing.

Today I learned that the largest file ever published to PyPI has 20 MILLION lines of code.

Today I learned how to find the commits that affected a specific file with git log.

Today I learned how to draw a Bézier curve with the De Casteljau's algorithm.

Today I learned how to create app notifications in Textual.

Today I learned about context variables from the module contextvars and how to use them.

Today I learned about the piece table data structure.

Today I learned how to use Hypothesis to do confident code refactoring.

Today I learned about the Damerau-Levenshtein distance used on strings in the field of genetics.

Today I learned that indentation in Python can be quite crazy.

Today I learned how to customise the Python REPL on start-up.

Today I learned how to read the bytecode from a file of compiled Python bytecode (.pyc).

Today I learned about the generator method close.

Today I learned how to write and run tests in the Rust programming language.

Today I learned that generators support membership testing with the operator in.

Today I learned how to create nested git repositories through the submodules command.

Today I learned how to create a VS Code extension to do custom syntax highlighting.

Today I learned how to create an alias to activate my Python virtual environments with a single-word command.

Today I learned how to use VS Code's sticky scroll feature.

Today I learned what open recursion is and how to leverage it.