TIL (Today I Learned)

The TIL series of articles contains very short articles documenting something I learned “today”.

Today I learned about the skip list data structure.

Today I learned not to cache generators.

Today I learned how to optimise my website images for the web and I automated that process.

Today I learned you can have invisible variables in Python.

Today I learned how to create xkcd-style plots in Python with matplotlib.

Today I learned about the type hint Any and its bidirectional compatibility with all other types.

Today I learned what precision Python floats have.

Today I (re)learned how to delete a file in Python with the module pathlib.

Today I (re)learned Heron's formula to compute the area of a triangle from its three sides.

Today I learned that you can add suggestions directly when reviewing pull requests on GitHub.

Today I learned how to edit multiple lines in the VS Code code editor.

Today I finished learning how to use a custom JSON decoder to convert JSON to arbitrary Python objects.

Today I learned how to do custom JSON decoding in Python with the module json.

Today I learned how to do custom JSON encoding in Python with the module json.

Today I learned how to use JavaScript functions in PyScript.

Today I learned about PyScript, a tool that lets you run Python in your HTML!

Today I learned how to use rich for beautiful tracebacks in the REPL and how to use it to log prettier exceptions.

Today I learned how you can do beautiful console logging by using the module rich.

Here is how you can commit only part of a file with git.

Learn how to do code syntax highlighting in PowerPoint!