TIL (Today I Learned)

The TIL series of articles contains very short articles documenting something I learned “today”.

Today I learned how to detect collisions between circles and rectangles with 100% accuracy.

Today I learned how to publish a Python package to PyPI with uv.

Today I learned that I can use the percent sign to run commands from inside Jupyter notebooks.

Today I learned that Polars allows non-strict vertical concatenation of dataframes with the parameter how="vertical".

Today I learned how to create standalone Python scripts with uv.

Today I learned how I can use the method 'groupdict' from a regex match to get a dictionary with all named groups.

Today I learned that if you suppress the exception KeyboardInterrupt then your program is still interrupted but it doesn't display a traceback.

Today I learned that the hash of an integer is the integer itself, except for -1. The hash of -1 is -2.

Today I learned how to allow my custom objects to be unpacked into keyword arguments like '**kwargs'.

Today I learned how to use the Polars function pl.date_range to create date sequences with calendar-aware intervals between dates.

Today I learned about the behaviour of asyncio.gather.

Today I learned about 5 useful pytest options that let me control what tests to run with respect to failing tests.

Today I learned how to call a makefile from within another makefile.

Today I learned how to debug the new Python REPL with _pyrepl.trace and the environment variable PYREPL_TRACE.

Today I learned how to fix an issue with Ctrl+left and Ctrl+right not working in the new Python REPL on MacOS.

Today I learned the difference between __getattr__ and __getattribute__.

You can use the Python built-in function iter with two arguments to create an iterator from a function.

Today I learned how to order the values of a dictionary according to an iterable of keys.

Today I learned how to get the size of the terminal your code is running on.

Today I learned how to automatically push code changes while I'm doing live coding, for example while teaching.