Today I learned how to create app notifications in Textual.

Textual app notifications

Textual application that shows a demo of Textual app notifications with different levels of severity.
Textual app notifications.

Textual has added support for application notifications for a couple of versions and I haven't had the chance to play around with them, so this tiny blog article shows how to use them.

This article was written for Textual version 0.35.1. Later versions of Textual may have (small) differences.

The video above shows Textual app notifications in action. To create a notification, all you need to do is use the method .notify on a Textual app.

I created a small application that posts three different notifications when you press the three buttons. Notifications in Textual can have one of three severity levels:

  1. "information" – the default;
  2. "warning"; and
  3. "error".

I paired each severity level with a different button and I also changed the timeout on the "information" notification so it lingers around for 10 seconds instead of the default (which I think is 2s, but I'm not sure).

The code for the app above is shown below:

from textual import on
from import App, ComposeResult
from textual.containers import Center, Middle
from textual.widgets import Button

class NotificationsApp(App[None]):
    CSS = "Button { margin: 1; }"

    def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
        with Middle():
            with Center():
                yield Button("Click me.", id="standard")
                yield Button.warning("Warning...", id="warning")
                yield Button.error("Error!", id="error")

    @on(Button.Pressed, "#standard")
    def standard_notification(self) -> None:
        self.notify("Standard button clicked.", timeout=10)

    @on(Button.Pressed, "#warning")
    def warning_notification(self) -> None:
        self.notify("Attention, this is a warning.", severity="warning")

    @on(Button.Pressed, "#error")
    def error_notification(self) -> None:
        self.notify("An error just occurred!", severity="error")

if __name__ == "__main__":

See the documentation for the method .notify to learn more!

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