Today I learned about context variables from the module contextvars and how to use them.

Context variables

I was doing some work on Textual, the project I work on for my job, and I came across the module contextvars. Textual uses contextvars.ContextVar in a couple of places and so I decided to write this article to explore how they work.

What's the point of context variables?

Context variables can store data that is available across different function calls without having to pass them as arguments. They are particularly useful in asynchronous code.

Passing all the data as arguments to every single function call would bloat function signatures because not all functions need everything, but you'd need to pass everything around because you never know when you might end up calling a function that needs some specific data.

Another alternative would be creating global variables, but I'm guessing that would be just asking for trouble in concurrent code. I personally don't know, but if global variables worked just fine, I'm sure we wouldn't have a module just for this.

Creating a context variable

To create a context variable, you use ContextVar from the module contextvars. To set and get the value of the variable, you use the methods .set and .get, respectively:

from contextvars import ContextVar

name = ContextVar("name")
print(name.get())  # Rodrigo

As per the documentation, context variables should be declared at the top level of your module, and never inside closures. In practice, this means you should be careful and never create context variables inside methods or functions.

Default value

A context variable can also be created with a default value:

from contextvars import ContextVar

name = ContextVar("name", default="Rodrigo")
print(name.get())  # Rodrigo

This value is used if you try to get a variable before setting it first.

Default value for .get

Finally, the method .get also accepts a default value, similar to the method dict.get:

from contextvars import ContextVar

name = ContextVar("name")
print(name.get("no name set"))  # no name set

When you call .get, if the context variable hasn't been set explicitly, three things can happen, in this order:

  1. you get the default value from the method .get; or
  2. you get the default value from the context variable; or
  3. an exception LookupError is raised.

The example above shows 1. It is also useful to note that the value you get doesn't change if you also provide a default value for the context variable:

from contextvars import ContextVar

name = ContextVar("name", default="Rodrigo")
print(name.get("no name set"))  # no name set

We've already seen an example of 2. in the previous subsection, so all there is left to see is the LookupError:

from contextvars import ContextVar

name = ContextVar("name")
print(name.get())  # LookupError

Context variables are available across function calls

As I mentioned previously, a context variable can be accessed from functions and its value will be available:

from contextvars import ContextVar

name = ContextVar("name")

def print_name():
    print(name.get("no name set"))

print_name()  # Rodrigo

Different contexts for context variables

Context variables become more useful when the code is such that you might get different contexts in which the variable is being used. When that is the case, the variable keeps track of its state for each context.

Better than just telling you about it is showing you what I mean.

Take a look at the code below and notice how:

  • it defines a context variable number;
  • it sets the context variable inside number and we're able to retrieve that value;
  • we use changes_number_to directly from within main to change the value to 73 and the change is reflected inside main – that's because we didn't go to a different context; and
  • we create a task to run changes_number_to to change the value to 42 and the change is not reflected inside main - a new task represents a new context.

Here is the code:

import asyncio
from contextvars import ContextVar

# Create a context variable.
number = ContextVar("number", default=0)

def print_number(label):
    """Prints the value of `number` in the current context."""
    print(f"{label}: {number.get()}")

async def changes_number_to(new_number):
    print(f"Changing number to {new_number}")
    print_number("Just changed number to")

async def main():
    # The variable should be 1 at this point.
    print_number("Inside main")

    await changes_number_to(73)
    # The variable is 73 at this point because the call above
    # didn't create a new context.
    print_number("Inside main")

    # By creating this task we create a new context.
    # The variable will be changed to 42 in that OTHER context.
    task = asyncio.create_task(changes_number_to(42))
    await task
    # The variable is still 73 in THIS context.
    print_number("Inside main")

The output of running the code above is:

Inside main: 1
Changing number to 73
Just changed number to: 73
Inside main: 73
Changing number to 42
Just changed number to: 42
Inside main: 73

This shows that using a coroutine doesn't automatically create a new context. However, creating a task creates a new context.

Context variables and mutable values

The final exploration that I made has to do with mutable values. If a context variable is set to a mutable value and I mutate that value, does the context variable reflect that change? I guess that it does, but I wanted to be sure, so I ran a couple of experiments.

Mutable values in a single context

The first experiment that I ran contained a single context. If I have a mutable value (a list) and I get it, and then mutate it (by appending to it), does the change reflect in the context variable?

The code below shows that it does, as the value of names gets updated even without calling .set.

from contextvars import ContextVar

names = ContextVar("names")


print(names.get())  # ['Rodrigo']

This raises a more interesting question: if I have a mutable value that I access from within a different context and mutate it, does the change get reflected on the other context?

Mutable values across multiple contexts

The code below is a modification of the previous example with multiple contexts. This time, instead of a single number we'll have a list (of numbers), and instead of using .set, we'll append to the list of numbers.

We want to see whether calling .append from the second context changes the list of the original context or not:

import asyncio
from contextvars import ContextVar

number = ContextVar("number")

def print_number(label):
    """Prints the value of `number` in the current context."""
    print(f"{label}: {number.get()}")

async def appends_number(new_number):
    print(f"Appending number {new_number}")
    print_number("Just appended")

async def main():
    print_number("Inside main")

    await appends_number(73)
    print_number("Inside main")

    task = asyncio.create_task(appends_number(42))
    await task
    print_number("Inside main")

If you run this code, this is the output that you get:

Inside main: [1]
Appending number 73
Just appended: [1, 73]
Inside main: [1, 73]
Appending number 42
Just appended: [1, 73, 42]
Inside main: [1, 73, 42]

As you can see, appending the 42 in a different context made the change visible to the original context. You have to be very careful with this!


Context variables look like a very powerful and flexible tool that obviously comes with some interesting associated caveats.

From the look of it, if you are not careful when using context variables, you will end up with spaghetti code! This is just a feeling I have, though, and I'm not saying that context variables shouldn't be used!

If you know of a good concrete use case for context variables, please do let me know! I'd love to take a look at that code.

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