Let me explain why list comprehensions are good and useful.
Why are list comprehensions good? Why are list comprehensions useful?
Let me pick a very simple example.
I have a list of numbers and I want to create another list with the squares.
Here is the code in a for
nums = [42, -73, 0, 10, -16]
squares = []
for num in nums:
squares.append(num ** 2)
How does this work?
Easy enough, right?
Let's go with another example.
I have a list of months and I want another list with the first 3 letters.
Here is the code in a for
month_names = ["January", "June", "December"]
initials = []
for month in month_names:
How does this work?
Notice that the descriptions of the 2 tasks are the same! What's the only difference? The way in which we modify the original values:
num ** 2
.In other words, when you have a task like this:
“Take a list with values and build a new list of modified values”
You just have to fill in the blanks in this code:
original_list = ... # List with original data.
new_list = []
for element in new_list:
new_list.append(... element ...)
# modify the element ^^^^^
We have this recipe that is fairly easy to understand. Not only that, it is also fairly common. Going over a list and creating a new one is a common task. So, Python decided to take that recipe and make it shorter! That's where list comprehensions come in.
A list comprehension takes that recipe and makes it shorter. Here is the comparison side-by-side:
original_list = ... # List with original data.
# Loop in 3 lines.
new_list = []
for element in new_list:
new_list.append(... element ...)
# modify the element ^^^^^
# Shorter list comprehension.
new_list = [... element ... for element in original_list]
# Modify element ^^^^^
Fine, but if list comprehensions are just a shorter version of that recipe, why is the order different? List comprehensions switch up the order to highlight the only thing that changes: The way in which we modify the original elements!
Do you see what I mean? List comprehensions emphasise the data transformation. Why?
Because that's the main thing, the most important thing. And that, in my opinion, is the best argument in favour of list comprehensions.
I hope you enjoyed this write-up. Feel free to leave your thoughts below!
This article was generated automatically from this thread I published on Twitter @mathsppblog. Then it was edited lightly.
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