Mathspp Blog

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Learn how to do code syntax highlighting in PowerPoint!

Please help me identify these 100 light bulbs by turning ON and OFF their switches.

Join me in solving the word game Wordle in (Dyalog) APL.

Let me show you characteristics of APL that will influence your understanding of programming concepts and the way you use other languages.

We discuss the look-and-say sequence, its behaviour, variations of it, and a Python implementation.

Today I learned how to install the starship cross-shell prompt on Windows for the PowerShell.

Today I learned that the length of the terms of the “look-and-say” sequence has a well-defined growth rate.

Today I learned about the fundamental pandas data type Series.

Can you find the centre of the circle with just five lines?

Today I learned how to use the function pandas.show_versions to get system diagnostic information.

Today I learned how to run the black Python code formatter as a pre-commit hook on git.